Proper PS3 LV1/LV2 Patching Solution Soon..

bueno no tengo idea de si esta INFO ya es vieja o no va AQUI... pero creo que es de gran importacia.

si alguien tendria la amabilidad de traducir estaria fantastico...

Georgie boy wasn’t joking around when he said don’t patch LV2, but that hasn’t stopped flukes1 any… Sure the first couple attempts resulted in bricks, but that’s part of the trial and error game. Soon flukes1 will unveil the method used to successfully hijack and assume complete control over LV1 and LV2; the most difficult being Sony’s LV2 memory protection introduced in firmware 3.55. Anyway, after all this info is made public, you can bet a working Backup Manager will follow.

Quoted from flukes1 via dukio:

flukes1: we have full control of lv1 and lv2 from our test application running as a normal pkg under gameos
flukes1: the issue with lv2 pokes causing shutdown was caused by some protection added in 3.55
flukes1: we found it and disabled it
flukes1: i’m not finished
flukes1: this is the bit you won’t like: there will be no public release
flukes1: as i said, ill release some info
flukes1: if you want BMs to run on 3.55 you need to compromise lv1 and lv2
flukes1: well I seriously wish I could release all this shit at no personal risk
flukes1: I like you guys but it’s not worth it
flukes1: if they know it was me, they can still say it was me and prove it by looking though my computer etc etc
flukes1: so no, i can’t just release it anonymously
flukes1: tbh though
flukes1: the only difficult part is disabling lv2 memory protection
flukes1: and that information will become public soon
flukes1: i’ll post a video on youtube on sunday when I get home
flukes1: game running from hdd under multiman
flukes1: i’ll do a video, i guess sony can’t kick off about that

Thanks for the heads up, hugo.

Update: Then again, maybe not… Updated at the source flukes1 states: “to correct an earlier statement: I won’t be posting *anything* including video or info until I speak to a lawyer and they OK it” Fair enough. Play it safe… I don’t know what the UK laws are like.

De nada! ahi me esta dando las gracias.
Básicamente dice que ha encontrado una manera de tener el control de LV1 y LV2 en 3.55.
También dice que la dificultad de obtener ese control en 3.55 es debido a que en ese firmware hay una protección añadida.
Luego añade la parte mala, en la que dice que no lo liberará, sino que solo liberará información sobre como hacerlo ya que no quiere problemas legales con sony, también dice que liberara un video el domingo para mostrarlo ya que no cree que sony pueda hacer nada contra ese video.


luego, en el "update" especifica que no hará nada al final hasta que lo consulte con sus abogados, ni video, ni información [+risas] .
pero ya se puede cargar todas las backups??
alexval está baneado por "clon-troll"
Aqui no hay nada nuevo, esto ya se sabe desdee hace dias y ademas nosotros no veremos nada por lo menos hasta que no termine el juicio con $ony.
Antes de hacer copy&paste (Que se agradece) mirar primero las fechas de publicación y tal...
yo creo que es el crf que ya tenemos no¿hallade nada nuevo no?
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