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Check it out
This is Beta firmware that we (and other distributors) are testing out.
The update:
-Runs are pretty much the same speed as the 1.9g update. It does a test, and then dump.
- No Ass
- No 'segaaa'
- No homer
Config Disc:
-Runs fine without the need for GCOS, even when region free is turned off. FINALLY!
Config Disc Menu:
- As you can see there are a couple of new options on the main menu.
- The Wiikey disc dumper has been taken out
- Classic IPL --> Click on it will make the menu freeze for about 3 seconds, and then the original GC logo/animation will run....then it will return back to the config menu. No idea about the use of this.
Wiikey config options:
- New options are Dev Mode and Block updates.
- The picture you see below are the default settings when you enter the menu.
- Block updates is set to on, but it didn't seem to block updates.
- Setting Dev mode to on (and leaving block updates on) seems to totally bypass game updates, and games run fine if the update is not needed.
- Allows you to change the drive speed, but unfortunately our tests have shown so far that it is still locked to 3x This is the point of a BETA though, so fingers crossed it will be fixed.
Other fixes:
- SSBB retail working fine on my PAL and NTSC-U machine.
- SMG still working!
Please don't
-PM me asking for the update or config discs. We will not 'leak'
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