Proyecto para cargar Backups 3.60+ en CFW 3.55 sin TB

Desde PS3News nos llega una información que habla de la puesta en marcha de un proyecto para cargar juegos 3.60+ en consolas con CFW 3.55/3.41 sin dongle (True Blue, JB-King).

Para todos aquellos que quieran ir experimentando, el autor indica los siguientes requisitos y consejos:

¿Qué necesitamos?

1- Una PS3 3.55 CFW Rebug o una con 3.55/3.41 en modo Debug
2- Una Dev_Flash Debug (también se puede con una consola retail que incorpore opciones Debug)
3- Hacer un backup de tu CFW DEV_Flash (hacer una ruta dev_flash path en tu dispositivo USB)
4- Un gestor de ficheros
5- Los EBOOT.BIN de tus juegos (también los hechos por el Team Paradox)

Cosas que necesitamos saber

Rebug normal in Debug mode 2

You need to put your PS3 in boot mode -> debugger mode (and not system software mode)

We're gonna use the debugger mode to debug the self execution we don't need to have NPDRM, anyway the debugger don't know how to Debug the Self NPDRM

Release mode -> Development mode
All the content type configuration -> Development mode

Dongle uses modified sprx/modules/lib related to the Debug files to be loaded when you boot the PS3 on CFW.

Almost all the EBOOT Paradox don't have NPDRM -> it's a simple self (fake sign header) renamed to EBOOT.BIN (like i was explaining many times) -> call function to the debugger -> sprx/modules loader.

Let's do a small test to be sure that you understand.. take whatever EBOOT Paradox, open with editeur hexa, check the first header ->


You can see that is a standard Self without NPDRM only have a fake sign header.

Rename this file EBOOT.SELF than .bin transfer your self on your usb stick/storage, launch a file manager, add the self to the path of your game and execute your self after that, self will load on the path APP_HOME of your XMB.

If you launch that with the debugger mode, it execute without problem and the debugger don't need to have NPDRM (anyway the debugger don't know how to read Self NPDRM)

Why we need debug_devflash

We need that to replace some specific temporary file to allow to boot on debugger mode and reload the xmb, also the backup of your dev_flash cfw it's here to put back your files (that allow to reboot without crash).

I don't put all now put this is one of the step and WIP of game 3.60+ boot on 3.55/3.41. Remember that the dongle use also standart self to be load on a debugger mode.

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