ps2vfs y mediaplayer

I run the ps2reality player from the inlink and using the pukklink in the ps2.
All goes well, except that within the ps2reality I configure the IP and then click on the launch net, but I can´t seem to acess my computer. When I click on load mediaplayer from ps2vfs, it dosen´t work.
Can anybody help me?
Disable the firewall on your computer.

I shutted down the firewall, but still I can´t connect to the pc.
I have the inlink and the Ps2vfs software running on the pc, and the mcloader.elf running on the Ps2 through the pc.
I still don´t understand what is happening...
Can anybody help me?
I have got this.

You have to copy ps2vfs.jar and folder "lib" where you want but where you copy that files that is the path where the ps2 look for your things, do you understand me? I run ps2vfs in my pc ( It need java runtime) and I can see a window with a few of options.Then I go to my ps2 and I load ps2media player from cd, when it load I write my local configuration and I click in launch. Then I go to navigator and It appeare the files that they are in the same path that ps2vfs.

I hope that you understand me.
The firewall can be activated.
3 respuestas