Hi Jenipapo,
Sounds like the QA Flaggs were not activated when your friend was updated to 4.30 CEX.
The first time you've installed CFW was it with Flasher? Maybe you have a bad dump and this will cause a brick when you try to put it back.
To months ago Luckymas was posted this:
http://www.elotrolado.net/hilo_cuidado-con-el-e3-flasher-no-es-oro-todo-lo-que-reluce-consejos-a-tener-en-cuenta_1780654It basically says, the dumps are not a 100% trustworthy using clips and cheking the dumps after with the E3 Nor Dump Checker V1.0r, FlowRebuilder, BwE_NOR_Validator, etc. The best way is soldering the infectus, E3 and all this stuff to the nor or nand.
This is valid for all flashes, check it manually and sorry, this will be in Spanish:
Maybe your friend will have a new Paper Weigth because until today there is no way to fix it. Maybe in the future someone will have an idea
![idea [idea]](/images/smilies/nuevos2/idea.gif)
P.D: It could be that this is not your problem, start checking the dump

if all is correct, start from 0 with CEX.