¿PS3 en Mayo?


Sony PS3 delay is pure speculation

Posted Jan 3, 2006, 9:31 AM ET

Speculations have hit the community over a Sony PlayStation 3 missed spring launch date.

About two months ago, we at GameSHOUT fell into the same speculation that the Sony PlayStation 3 would not be released until 2007. A few days later, Sony contacted GameSHOUT and told us that they were still on track for a Spring 2006

launch date.

As of this morning, January 3rd, 2006, Sony again informed GameSHOUT that the Sony PS3 will be released in May 2006, and that the recent reports of a delay are pure "myths".

During the weekend, many sites and news agencies have reported that the Sony PlayStation 3 is full of bugs, and that the game machine is not ready for the Spring 2006 launch. However, please keep in mind that these are pure speculations.

Notice how much of the rumour is based on a "March 2006" launch. Sony never told us on what month the launch will occur.

Unless Sony says otherwise, don't take any notice to anyone else that's claiming to know the facts or the scoop. There are tons of people out there misleading the public. If there is a change in the 2006 Sony PS3 launch, we'll know about it.

Enlace: http://www.gameshout.com/news/012006/article2274.htm

Aunque sea apresurado, parece que la fecha de Mayo es la más coherente:

1- Sony ha confirmado en el E3 que a principios/mediados de Primavera ya tendría películas BluRay en el mercado.

2- Según parece, la presentación completa de PS3 se supone que será en Febrero... justo tres meses antes del mes de Mayo (MS presentó Xbox360 justo tres meses antes de su lanzamiento).

Un saludo.
Ferdopa escribió:Jur...
During the weekend, many sites and news agencies have reported that the Sony PlayStation 3 is full of bugs, and that the game machine is not ready for the Spring 2006 launch. However, please keep in mind that these are pure speculations.

2- Según parece, la presentación completa de PS3 se supone que será en Febrero... justo tres meses antes del mes de Mayo (MS presentó Xbox360 justo tres meses antes de su lanzamiento).

Un saludo.

Lo primero me tiene preocupado, espero que solo sea eso, especulaciones

Ahora, la presentación de febrero, ¿que dias son?

Lanzamiento en Mayo, sin apenas haber visto nada de los juegos, y los desarrolladores aun quejandose de no tener dev-kits finales?

Presiento otro lanzamiento a salto de mata... XD
A ver... d momento todo es humo.
Aqui hablando de porque no se anunciaria la fecha de lanzamiento(ps3) en el CES:

Mr Zone escribió:For this simple fact....its a US Show. Unless a Global launch happens(unlikley) or a US and Japan launch is concurent with each other (more likely then Global), why would Sony announce the Japanese release date in America, if the Japanese will get it 1st.

jrpaps3 escribió:If they dont announce a release date, atleast we will know its definately not coming to the U.S. in the spring. The only major (u.s.) platform to announce a release would be E3, and their not going to say, " We are proud to announce the PS3 will be released in .... a.. um..... 2 DAYS !!!!
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