We announced the PS3 Hyperdrive project a few weeks ago and listened to a lot of criticism regarding the design. So we looked at it again.
We had to ask ourselves what was the main purpose of this product.
1. To be able to add any SATA or IDE Hard Drive externally to the PS3 - so there was no need for any expensive 2.5" Sata Hard Drive upgrades if the need for a very large hard drive was required in the near future.
2. To make the adapter a clean design and pleasing to the eye.
3. To be simple and cheap.
So we went back to the drawing board and after a couple of weeks of tweaking we have finished the design and have already gone into production of the PS3 HDXT.
It's simple, clean, cheap and it works.
The Xecuter PS3 HDXT is a caddy type frame that plugs into the PS3 internally where the 2.5" Sata drive would normally slot. You then clip on the matching faceplate and bingo you now have a clean external Sata connection. No frills and no fuss. You can now add any hard drive you wish and connect it any way you wish. We have also designed a simple but cost effective Sata to IDE convertor.
Here are some pictures - we hope to have it in stores by the time the PS3 is released in Europe. We will also announce a price as soon as our costings have been finalised.
Pues básicamente dice que este famoso grupo tiene ya en producción un adaptador para poder ponerle cualquier disco duro SATA o IDE a la PS3.
Si estáis registrados podréis ver el prototipo en su web:
Creo que no está repetido, si lo está pido perdón y que lo borren
P.D : Si que interesa poco esta más que interesante noticia la verdad