PS3 sera un ordenador

Bueno, parece ser que como con la PS2, le van a poner Linux y lo calificaran como ordenador.
Mas info:
Since E3, $ony Computer Entertainment president Ken Kutaragi has been calling the PlayStation 3 an "entertainment supercomputer" rather than a gaming console. Now, he's revealed a new plan to make sure that it's acknowledged as one. In an interview with Impress PC Watch, Kutaragi disclosed that he plans to install the Linux operating system on the PS3's hard disc drive (HDD) so it will be recognized as a computer, rather than a mere console.

But while Linux would require a hard drive to run on, Kutaragi told Impress PC Watch, "We're not going to equip [the PS3 with] a HDD by default, because no matter how much [capacity] we put in it, it won't be enough." It was unclear whether he was referring to the previously known fact that the PS3 would not have an internal hard drive or whether he was indicating that the device would not come with the external 2.5-inch detachable HDD outlined in the specs revealed at E3.

If the latter is the case, then hard drives will be optional--and will cost extra. Kutaragi seemed to confirm this when he said, "There are still some issues if the machine doesn't come with an HDD." Further comments seemed to indicate that there will be more than one model of optional add-on PS3 HDDs available at launch. "We've added a 2.5-inch HDD bay so that users can equip HDDs, such as 80GB and 120GB, even though that's still not enough [capacity]." By contrast, the X-Box 360 will ship with a 20GB hard drive, standard. No other 360 HDD models have been announced, although Micro$oft officials have indicated larger-capacity models could be produced if needed.

Entrevista con Ken Kutaragi mas info y fuente.
y mi batidora un abanico............

PD: Todavia no entiendo la mania de ponerle signos de dinero al nombre de una compañia si solo hacen lo que cualquier compañia trata de hacer ganar dinero como cualquier persona del mundo, que esperan que salgan un dia a la calle y regalen el dinero al estilo el guason en Batman, esto tanto para sony como a MS, si fuera por eso mi nick seria Hellma$terx.
Flame on...........
No decia lode "PS3 sera un ordenador" porque yo crea que asi lo es, lo decia porque ellos supuestamente lo calificaran como tal para pagar menos impuestos en la union europea.
arkaitz escribió:No decia lode "PS3 sera un ordenador" porque yo crea que asi lo es, lo decia porque ellos supuestamente lo calificaran como tal para pagar menos impuestos en la union europea.


Ahora a ver que compilacion de Linux usan y si por su tan granayuda le pagan una gustosa cantidad de dinero como donacion (cosa que dudo).

Se veia venir, Microsoft -> Windows y derivados tipo el Medi player , pues Sony a falta de SO, Linux, el cruel competidor de Microsoft.

Ahora se sacan una compilación propia de la manga y ha intentar hacer la puñeta a Microsoft tb en los sobremesa.
...pos igual que con la PS2.

...por tanto, la 2º clasificada de la proxima generacion (pq ateniendonos a las cifras, es bastante probable que sony repita predominio)...sera la consola mas vendida! Oooh

es mas, resulta que xbox es la consola mas vendida de esta generacion!!

notese el tono burlesco [barret]

saludos cordiales.
SI, la ps3 será un ordenador, y yo con estos pelos... XD

muchas promesas se hicieron con la ps2 y ya vemos cuantos linux y netscapes hay instalados XD


lo de considerar una consola una alternativa al PC por llevar un linux es una chorrada como un piano, a día de hoy debe haber distros de linux hasta para lavadoras, móviles y satélites militares, y todos seguimos y seguiremos con nuestras peceras... ;)

lo que parece surrealista es que cuele en europa la tontería de linux en la ps2 para pagar menos impuestos, ver para creer [reojillo]
Es muy posible que el plan de sony, ibm y toshiba de crear el cell va mas alla de la ps3 y electrodomesticos.

Puede que se enfocaran tambien en las pcs (aunque eso no se diria por ahora) Ya kutaragi esta hablando (otra vez) del linux en ps3. Creo que sony e ibm tienen el linux en la cabeza desde hace tiempo.

Mi teoria: Han de pensar que meter el linux en ps3 seria una buena idea para comenzar a estandarizarlo y despues darle el golpe a microsoft con mas aparatos, incluidos los pcs. (esta muy descabellado lo que pienso?, de verdad el cell con varios de ellos unidos como un solo chip no serviria para hacer pcs como se dice por ahi?) no se, simple teoria.

Lo que si es seguro que si lo meten, le haria un bien a linux. Si la consola de sony gana la batalla otra vez, significa que linux lo conoceran mucho mas personas. Para mi es una gran noticia.

Kutaragi lo comento en ign de la posibilidad de incluir disco duro y el os linux a ps3....acuerdense que ibm le da apoyo total a linux y no se, me da a mi que algo se cocina (entre ibm, sony y toshiba) con el cell, linux, ps3.

Y la verdad no me creo el cuento de que lo hacen solo por ahorrarse los impuestos en europa.

Sony Considers Linux for PS3 Hard Disk
Company hopes to have major non-game software support for new system.

by IGN Staff

June 9, 2005 - Continuing its Ken Kutaragi interview from yesterday (see our translation here), Japanese site PC Watch has scored more commentary from the father of the PlayStation brand. As with yesterday's interview, today's interview features Kutaragi touching on his vision of things to come with the next generation PS3, this time focusing specifically on the system's hard disk and operating system.

In the interview, Kutaragi gives a reason for not building a hard disk into the system, stating "We won't have the hard disk equipped by default. The reason is, no matter how much we put in, it won't be enough."

Kutaragi seems to have a disfavor for a local hard disk in the first place, stating, "The next step is definitely network drives. With the Cell server, [the storage] can be accessed from anywhere through the network. In your own home, in your friend's home -- wherever you go, you can theoretically see (the same network drive)".

However, Kutaragi recognizes the importance of a local drive as he adds, "But there are issues with not having hard disk attached to the system as well. This is why we've made it so that a 2.5 inch hard disk can be added." Kutaragi makes it clear that even with a terabyte worth of network storage, for the PS3 system to be recognized as a computer, it needs to have a drive running an operating system.

And that operating system is... whatever you want it to be, apparently. Sony is looking into having Linux installed from the start on the PS3 hard disk. Referring to Linux as being "legacy," Kutaragi adds that it's just the start, as with Cell, the operating system runs as an application on top of the basic Cell OS. The presence of the Cell OS allows for multiple operating systems to run on the machine simultaneously, including, of course, Linux, but also making room for Windows and Apple's Tiger OS.

With an operating system in place, Kutaragi hopes to create an environment in which people produce software for Cell and the PS3 -- and not just game software. Kutaragi hopes to see complex applications such as high definition video editing software running on the system. He comments that user interfaces will improve much more quickly than what's happening in the PC world today, and that this will have a direct impact on games. Additionally, Kutaragi feels that an open environment will allow for more advanced game development tools above the libraries that Sony has provided for its systems in the past.

Kutaragi's comments in this latest interview aren't directly related to videogame applications of the PS3's hard disk. As with previous interviews, which are hosted at a Japanese PC technology website, the interviews focus more on the computing possibilities of the PS3 system rather than the gaming possibilities.

Of particular note is that the question we're all wondering -- will Sony include a hard disk with the PS3 directly out of the box -- goes unanswered.

Un saludo.
Muy bonito todo esto del linux y tal, y además hará que se vendan muchos ratones y teclados inhalámbricos bluetooth y esas cosas. Pero leyendo esto...

As with previous interviews, which are hosted at a Japanese PC technology website, the interviews focus more on the computing possibilities of the PS3 system rather than the gaming possibilities.

¿Lo de PLAYstation está puesto por gusto o realmente significa algo?
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