PS3 Test Unit

Morticsmer escribió:Bueno, el caso es que ha perdido el tiempo él, los que han posteado y los que hemos leído...

k asaco de precio,
creeo k te chaparan el hilo.esperemos que no.
Saludos Eolianos llevaba ya sin postear pero googleando me he encontrado con esto:

While we await the start of our PS3 KeyVault Project for retail PS3 consoles, below is a screenshot of something else I have been tinkering with recently via Debug.

As hinted by PS3News already HERE, it is a Backup Launcher for a PS3 Development Unit as shown. At the moment it it still pre-Alpha and very incomplete, however it allows:

- Boot PS3 Games from HDD
- Boot PS3 Games from DVD/BD-ROM
- Copy Original PS3 Games from DVD/BD-ROM to HDD
- Patch the executable on some games to run from HDD

Note: This will ONLY work on a DEVELOPMENT CONSOLE, not a RETAIL PS3 unit!

To be added soon:

- Read PARAM.SFO for name/titleid, patch to menu (Alpha is hard-coded)
- Support for deleting games from the menu
- Support a few more games to start (Alpha is hard-coded for four)
- Possible support for a "select" menu, versus the button presses

Optimistic things to be added:

- A better GUI
- Backing up PS3 Game files to PC

For those curious, how it works briefly: when the launcher is started, you can copy a game to the PS3 HDD. It will create a folder on the hard disk and copy the Game files over (it's NOT an "ISO" Loader, it just launches the PS3 Game's files), identical to the way PSN's demos are installed.

The games are then launched using a relevant call, such as sceNpDrmProcessExitSpawn or sys_game_process_exitspawn2 (depending on location) and the loader then passes control off to the game, where it is run from.

That is about it for now, just wanted to share some progress. Soon another resident PS3 Dev may share news of a side-project he is working on too!

Tambien he encontrado esto:

¿Que se sabe de este tema? ¿Endless podrias probarlo en tu Ps3 Test Unit?
Por lo que entiendo es un cargardo de backups desde HDD.

Tambien me he encontrado con esto:
Joer, pues lo que dice _PeLUsA_ es muy interesante. Por favor que alguien lo confirme, gracias [+risas]
La aplicacion en cuestion no se ha llegado a Filtrar, asi que no podra probarlo porque de hecho ni existira dicha aplicacion.

y la luz que se enciende cuando metes una sd? que parpadea cuando accede a ella? eso es fake...en fin ps3 news caki mierd....jajaja
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