ps4 bd java (blue ray java) emulador de nes funcionando en ps4

parece que se han puesto manos a la obra :) enque quedara todo esto:

- Similar to how PS3 Java Homebrew ran on Sony's PlayStation 3 console, today aries2k shared some videos of PS4 BD-J (Blu-ray Java) homebrew running on PlayStation 4 including BD J NES and BD J GB with details below.

This confirmation comes soon after PlayStation 4 developer SKFU released a Minimal PS4 BD-J SDK which is based on FreePlay's Minimal BD-J SDK for PS3.

From aries2k: Back in the day for the PS3, I couldn't even get the SDK compiled right. Lua is about the only thing I can code in, lol I'm going to have to leave the real coding for you Devs but I'm more than happy to test anything for anyone.

Ok, I couldn't find my camera so I had to use my vita for the videos. This is the NES BD-J emulator: BD J NES on the PS4


I just used this ISO fromthis link [url=""]""[/url] PS3News that GR provided. I used WinISO to add ROMs, then just use any BD burning software. Here's the Gameboy BR-J emu: BD J GB on the PS4


Unfortunately, these emulators would have to be recompiled ( without using the START or Select buttons since the DS4 doesn't have them. I couldn't get most ROMs I tried to start on both emulators. Also no sound yet with BD-J homebrew.

There's more BD-J homebrew than I thought. Still I don't think anyone made use of the network and HDD storage capabilities like with BD-Live. I've transferred various files from BD-Live over to the PS4s harddrive. Lol, it seems to let you use all the free space on the HDD. I've used BD-LIVE on another BD-Player with a USB to see what kind of files are transferred and there are some .jar files in there.

So in theory maybe it would be possible to transfer BD-J homebrew to the PS3s hdd and then use a BD (boot)disc to select the different homebrew on the HDD through BD-Live?

From GregoryRasputin: I have reached out to the developer of the original PS3 Minimal BDJ SDK to see if he could update it, so that it accommodates the PS4 control pad, also Blu Ray Java and Java in general should be more advanced now than it was back on the PS3 and with more power on the PS4, perhaps we could now implement sound and perhaps have better homebrew.

Here are some facts:

This is NOT a hack.
This is NOT anything major and will not lead to anything major.
This will NOT let you run PS4 “backups”.
This will NOT give you any access to the PS4’s OS system files.
This is NOT illegal.
This does NOT void your warranty.
This will NOT let you run PC games on your PS4.
This will ONLY let you run Java software.

We all know that this isn't any type of break through, it is using a system that is already in place, to run something that we have created ourselves, it runs from disc and does not touch any part of the PS4's operating system, so do not expect anything huge from this.

If anything comes from this and the SDK is updated, do expect some fun homebrew and app's that we can use on our PS4's.

This method will also work on the PS3 and should work on the Xbox One, not sure about the Wii U, but we won't know until it is tested.

From zecoxao: You need java sdk 7. That's all i know. lol install netbeans as well. You're going to need it if you want to properly build java stuff instead of using batch files. (

Finally, from FreePlay: Good news and bad news. Good news first: burn it onto a BD-RE and it totally works. Kinda. Technically. You can run the programs just fine.

Bad news: There's no audio. But I think we already knew that.

Making the buttons work could be tough. For the NES emulator, B and A map to Square and X, and to press select or start, you have to hit the Options button, pick the Control Panel, and press 1 or 2 (or just press 1 or 2 if you have a remote). I don't know if it's possible to override the PS4 OS's interception of Triangle, Circle, Share, Options, L1, L2, R1, or R2; they all just do what they would do for any Blu-ray movie.

I'll continue to play around... Here's a video. Don't mind the dog or the girlfriend

Similar a la forma en la que PS3 cargaba Homebrew JAVA en la consola de Sony, hoy aries2k compartió algunos VIDEOS de PS4 BD-J (Java Blu-ray) cargando homebrew en PlayStation 4, incluyendo BD J NES y BD J GB con detalles a CONTINUACIÓN.

Esta confirmación se produce poco después de que el desearrollador SKFU publicara un gran articulo sobre posibles teorias para hackear ps4, ademas a su vez puso a disposicion de cualciera el SDK PS4 BD-J que se basa en Minimal BD-J SDK de FreePlay para PS3.

DESDE aries2k: De vuelta en el día para la PS3, que ni siquiera podía conseguir el SDK compilado . Lua es la única cosa que PUEDO codificar en ella , lol me voy a tener que dejar la verdadera codificación para ustedes los Desarrolladores, pero estoy más que feliz de probar algo que no ha hecho nadie.

Ok, no pude encontrar mi cámara así que tuve que usar mi vita para los videos. Este es el emulador NES BD-J: BD J NES en la PS4

Nadie comenta la noticia?,se podria tener aceso a la ps4 mediante este metodo'
Por java es imposible tener acceso a la consola para ejecutar algún homebrew que permita cargar copias, si es a lo q te refieres .

Pero a mi me encanta la idea de poder ejecutar emuladores en ps4 de manera "legal"
TSC escribió:Por java es imposible tener acceso a la consola para ejecutar algún homebrew que permita cargar copias, si es a lo q te refieres .

Pero a mi me encanta la idea de poder ejecutar emuladores en ps4 de manera "legal"

Osea que esto se ejecuta bajo java no? Y que emuladores se pueden ejecutar bajo java?
A mi me interesa mucho este tema.
Ojala saquen emuladores de Super Nintendo, Megadrive, Amiga y MAME que son los que mas me gustaría que sacasen.
Que bomba, emuladores a traves de la maquina virtual java del navegador !!!!!!!!

Have falta grabar en BR o se puede grabar en un DVD ?

A ver si sacan algo así para la Vita.
Habría que unir esto al hilo de SCENE de ps4, al menos son buenas noticias [chulito]
Muy interesante cargar emuladores de forma "legal" en ps4 sin tocar nada de nada ojala sea así de fácil y sea aplicable a la vita
para que queremos emuladores en todas las consolas?
8 respuestas