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es 100% real, algo complicado el proceso pero con un buen tuto no existirian problemas.. felicidades para los TA-082..
TA-082 “SoftDown” Released!
You’ve all heard & read about it — now here it is! Using 0okm’s discovered method, dark_thug was able to produce a successful method to downgrade, or better known as “softdown,” your TA-082 PSP. But, the catch! There’s always a catch… Before you get all excited, there are a few worrisome consequences you must consider before attempting this… As follows:
1. It’s likely you’ll never be able to upgrade/flash your PSP with another firmware version again
2. You can only “softdown” to either 1.50 or 2.71 SE-C; as mentioned above, you cannot revert back afterwards
3. If you select 1.50
* Attempting to access anything under the ’settings’ menu will cause your PSP to crash
4. If you select 2.71 SE-C
* You may experience lock-ups during certain games
There’s also a slight chance you may brick your PSP during the initial softdown procedure. I’ve yet to hear any reports of that though.
Continue forward at your own risk!
Instructions (follow carefully!):
1. Use Dark_AleX’s Update Flasher to change your TA-082 to 2.50 (if it isn’t already)
2. Download 0okm’s 2.50 TA-082 Check & Dump to dump your firmware
3. Enter your serial #, specify the path to your 2.50 dump, and select your desired firmware in the Windows executable. (Screen shot below)
4. It will then generate the downgrader unique to your PSP.
5. Copy the ‘UPDATE’ directory to your PSP under x:/PSP/GAME
6. Download and install the Noobz eLoader
7. Launch eLoader and select ‘UPDATE’ from menu
You have now started the downgrade and will soon have a patched 1.50 bootstrap.
Once completed, reboot your PSP and hit “O” to restore settings. Viola!
Its also been noted, if you’ve chosen the 1.50 softdown path, that it may be possible to restore the settings menu by flashing a clean 1.50 registry with a tool such as X-Flash. Very risky however. Again — use at your own risk.
Must say, nice job dark_thug!
P.D.: Entren en la pagina para descargar los programas q necesiten, para los q entiendan ingles se les va a facilitar el trabajo, pronto seguro hacen un tuto en español. Saludos..