PSP Homebrew Developer Shibisukee has come out with a plugin for CFW 3.71 M33 that allows you to turn off the screen and underclock your unit when you put it on hold. Very useful for when you use your PSP a lot to listen to music.
Chibisukee had in fact made the homebrew for that purpose:
I use it cause i dont like turning off the screen and underclocking via vsh menu when i put my psp on hold for musics
The plugin can underclock the unit to 60mhz. There is no readme for the plugin, but users are encouraged to go to our forums for questions or discussions. It's also been reported that it doesn't work for CFWs that came before 3.71.
Básicamente es un plug-in que se puede usar en el XMB si solo queremos escuchar música, ponemos el reproductor a funcionar, colocamos el switch de HOLD y el plug-in coloca la PSP a 60mhz y apaga la luz interna de la pantalla, muy útil para personas como yo .
Por cierto, en la descripción dice que no funciona en firmwares menores a 3.71 M33
yo con el mismo firm doy a selec pongo la dpu a 20 mhz y el bus si no me equivoco a 10 y despues apargo la pantalla y pongo el hold y ya esta gasta menos