NFO escribió: <--( Tool Info )----------------------------------------------- ----- -->
This tool makes rip releases, ripkits, gamepatches, ripkitwebsites,
psp game news websites, manual iso rebuilding and popstation tools useless.
You are allowed to distribute this tool as long as u keep credits to the
Creator of this tool.
<--( Features )------------------------------------------------ ----- -->
* A gamedatabase with infos, screenshots and covers for > 500 games
* Ability to scan and detect games on your hdd
* Customizing of rips that can be created of full isos on your hdd
the data and languages you want to be included
* Translations for chs, de, fr, gr, nl, no, ru, se
<--( Requirements )-------------------------------------------- ----- -->
* 50 MB free hdd space for PSPForce
* 3 GB free hdd space and some psp game backups if you want to create small
rips of them with this tool
* A screen resolution of at least 1024*768
* Devhook installed on your psp or a psp with fw 2.71se-c or higher
* A Memory stick in your psp with at least 256 MB capacity
<--( Notes )--------------------------------------------------- ----- -->
* Check out for news