Pos nada, que el creador del programa de infrarrojos (para pasar archivos a cosas con infrarrojos ... moviles y demás) me ha mandado una nueva beta, os la dejo por aquí
I'm still working on compatibility. PSP to phone should be better.
I had a lot of feedback on beta 4. Thank you very much. And my conclusion is : I will not support SonyEricsson phones because they are buggy as hell and the only persons who should work on compatibility between PspIrDA and Sony mobiles are the Sony guys and not me [img]http://forums.qj.net/images/smilies/Argh.gif[/img] . As a proof, you should have a look at the OpenObex (Obex layer used in linux) "SonyEricsson supported device" page [url=http://openobex.triq.net/devices/sony-ericsson]http://openobex.triq.net/devices/sony-ericsson[/url]
and you will see that the only SE devices reported as working over IrDA are the T630, K300 and k500 and, oh magic, those mobiles works also with PspIrDA (receive at least). So I wil not work on compatibility with 750, 800, 600, 550, 520, etc. If you have a Sony mobile and really want to make it work with your PSP, you have the source so just code by yourself.
I have spend a lot of time trying to understand why it didn't work. Now I have enough proof to say that SE mobiles are buggy. So I will spend more time to code new features (GUI, speed) than to work on those crappy mobiles.