Publicada la rev25497 del XBMC(09-12-2009)


T3ch ha publicado una nueva actualizacion del XBMC, "T3CH XBMC 2009-11-08 SVN rev24421", recordad que la ultima estable es la "T3CH XBMC 2009-06-01 9.04.1-FIXED-Babylon".

XBMC for Xbox - Partial CHANGELOG

Date Rev Message

2009-11-08 24421 [XBOX] changed: Prepare for 9.11-alpha tag
2009-11-06 24337 [XBOX] merged: Trunk changes to Platinum/Neptune path
2009-11-06 24336 [XBOX] merged; Trunk revisions 21463, 22058, 23259, 23599
2009-11-06 24332 [XBOX] merged: Trunk revisions 21849, 22058, 23259, 23574, 23597,
23598, 23599, 23645 (UPnP)
2009-11-04 24277 [XBOX] merged: Trunk revisions
2009-11-04 24276 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions 21303,24098,24123,24124,24125 +
revert merge of 23607,23608 + general (setting) sync with mainline
2009-11-03 24238 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions 21939 & 23873
2009-11-02 24191 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7523 - Textbox not rendered in lists
2009-10-31 24155 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
2009-10-31 24148 [XBOX] added: FFmpeg sources based on Linuxport r21898 [XBOX]
changed: Modified FFmpeg build script so the generated DLLs are optimized for Xbox
(Pentium 3 arch) [XBOX] updated: New optimized DVDPlayer DLLs. They provide a
significant performance increase :-)
2009-10-30 24143 [XBOX] changed: Set sane values for the DVDPlayer's MaxDataSize on
Xbox since the amount of RAM we have is limited
2009-10-30 24134 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7505 - Videos not being marked as Watched
after watching
2009-10-30 24133 [XBOX] merged: XBPython in sync with Linuxport
2009-10-30 24132 [XBOX] changed: MPlayer tweaks for the new EDL implementation
2009-10-30 24131 [XBOX] fixed: We no longer have the soundsduringplayback-setting
so don't check for it
2009-10-29 24122 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
21644,22209-22211,22244-22248,22251,22252,22987,23346,23765,23781,23792,23793 This
mainly brings the EDL & CMyth updates from mainline to Xbox
2009-10-26 24048 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions (mainly GUIlib Updates)
2009-10-26 24036 [XBOX] fixed: Forgot to commit one file
2009-10-25 24020 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
24010,24015,24017 This merge will even have it's own codename: "Merge from hell" :/
2009-10-25 24009 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7452 - MPlayer Not playing some flv files.
We should simply force DVDPlayer for .flv-files as this probably will never be fixed
in our MPlayer
2009-10-24 23975 [XBOX] fixed: would get executed twice since both
special://xbmc & special://home point to the same location
2009-10-24 23965 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
2009-10-24 23964 [XBOX] changed: Force .ogv files to be played with DVDPlayer
2009-10-23 23932 [XBOX] changed: Don't spam our log with this
2009-10-23 23921 [XBOX] added: Ticket #7420 - CUT Thumbnail Caching. Thanks to
Ez0n3 & Bomb Bloke for the patch
2009-10-21 23887 [XBOX] fixed: Aargh! Changeset #23358 missed a bit
2009-10-20 23865 fixed: Added missing include to DVDPlayerSubtitle.cpp
2009-10-05 23445 [XBOX] revert: added: Created http-local, https-local, ftp-local,
ftps-local "aliased" filesystems/protocols. It's too much of a hack and it's better
to implement it via protocol-options (but you'll have to know about their existance
ofc -> thanks spiff ;-)).
2009-10-05 23439 [XBOX] changed: Thread count is now set from as.xml so we should
properly set sane Xbox values for it.
2009-10-05 23438 [XBOX] added: Created http-local, https-local, ftp-local,
ftps-local "aliased" filesystems/protocols. They work the same as their normal
counterparts except that XBMC treats them as ordinary filesystems without any
restrictions. This allows us to use fanart and such with ftp & http filesystems. Will
backport this later on to Linuxport
2009-10-05 23434 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7280 - Daylight Saving Time bug in GMT+10
AEDT timezone. Thanks to AnthonyB!
2009-10-03 23358 [XBOX] fixed: DHCP wouldn't recover when ie. using wireless
bridges (worked around a bug (probably) in XDK or the Xbox's BIOS). changed: Further
cleanup of CNetwork. Code should be a lot more consistent now changed: Don't have our
RssReader wait for the network. Just fail and let it retry later on.
2009-09-30 23274 [XBOX] fixed: Network wouldn't recover in some cases at startup
(hopefully the last fix considering network)



T3ch ha publicado una nueva actualizacion del XBMC, "T3CH XBMC 2009-12-09 SVN rev25497".

XBMC for Xbox - Partial CHANGELOG

Date Rev Message
2009-12-09 25497 [XBOX] merged: trunk/mainline revisions
25311,25318,25324,25333,25342 (skin & language updates)
2009-12-09 25496 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #8058: update_svn_rev-r25495.patch. Thanks to
2009-12-09 25495 Ticket #7750 Fixed access violation on Windows and XBox as the
Windows implementation of localtime returns NULL if on or before the epoch.
2009-12-09 25492 [XBOX] merged: mainline/trunk revisions
24717,24731,24732,24738,24739,24749,24815 (Skin & language take 1)
2009-12-08 25482 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions 23668,23776,23953 + tweaks for
settings cleanup
2009-12-08 25481 [XBOX] Settings cleanup/fixing. Another real pain. Minor tweaks in
eg. language files will follow later
2009-12-06 25368 [XBOX] added: cximage + libcurl sources to lib
2009-12-06 25366 [XBOX] added: New ffmpeg DLLs
2009-12-06 25365 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
2009-12-06 25362 [XBOX] changed: Sync thumbloader with mainline + cleanup
2009-12-05 25334 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
24991-24993,24997,25000,25011,25026,25027 + updated Curl header files
2009-12-05 25313 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
2009-12-05 25310 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions
2009-12-05 25309 [XBOX] fixed: XBMC hung at start with network default sources
2009-12-05 25308 [XBOX] revert: r19694 - reverted: r9232 - backported wma codec
from linux branch. As requested by spiff.
2009-12-05 25291 [XBOX] changed: XBMC4Xbox in log
2009-12-05 25289 [XBOX] changed: Brand our product XBMC4Xbox from now on (and
remove 9.11alpha version prefix since we will never release 9.11 for Xbox)
2009-12-05 25288 [XBOX] revert: r22032 & r25272 for now to fix ticket #7964
2009-12-04 25287 [XBOX] revert: Parts of r24020. Fixes ticket #7915: [XBOX]
Manually triggered notifications dont appear onscreen... Still don't know the exact
cause maybe we'll figure it out later on.
2009-12-04 25286 [XBOX] fixed: FatX limiter was broken. Don't you just &%$#W%*&-ing
love editors that screw up unicode characters?
2009-12-04 25273 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions 20738
2009-12-04 25272 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7964 - Some DVD's have subtitles with wrong
colors if the movie is played from the DVD menu after r22032
2009-12-04 25271 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7915 - Manually triggered notifications dont
appear onscreen. This is rather a hack than a real fix IMO since I Don't know where
the actual problems comes from
2009-11-26 25062 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7888 - Shoutcast + audio CD detection.
Thanks to Bomb Bloke for the patches.
2009-11-24 25003 [XBOX] changed: Make max. cache size 2Mb for internet stuff
2009-11-24 24999 [XBOX] removed: Linux build script for ffmpeg
2009-11-24 24998 [XBOX] added: Updated DLLs for DVDPlayer
2009-11-24 24996 [XBOX] merged: Linuxport revisions 15257,15258,15320 which brings
libmpeg2 0.5.1 to Xbox
2009-11-24 24971 [XBOX] changed: Rename ffmpeg build to script to _xbox
2009-11-24 24970 [XBOX] changed: Playback .mov files with DVDPlayer by default
2009-11-23 24937 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7420 - part 2. Thanks to Bomb Bloke (again)
for the patch
2009-11-21 24838 [XBOX] removed: ExtractThumb function from Thumbloader since we're
never going to use it there anyway
2009-11-21 24837 [XBOX] fixed: Unable to write etc. on SMB filesystems
2009-11-21 24836 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #6277 - XBMC doesn't show icons for game
saves. Thanks to Bomb Bloke for the fix!
2009-11-21 24834 [XBOX] removed: Accidently added "Automatic flag extraction
2009-11-15 24630 [XBOX] changed: Refresh weather info on network-services-up + add
locking to waitforsetup since we can be called from several locations
2009-11-15 24617 [XBOX] merged: Trunk r24372 + sync CFileItem
2009-11-15 24615 [XBOX] revert: Let's put back the screenshotfolder setting in the
old place where it at least made a *little* sense
2009-11-15 24613 [XBOX] merged: trunk/mainline revisions
2009-11-14 24602 [XBOX] fixed: Ticket #7683 - Program settings window is empty
2009-11-14 24598 [XBOX] merged: trunk/mainline revisions


Espero que hagan una estable de nuevo,porque estas revisiones son de agradecer pero a cada cual que sacan arreglan unas cosas y aparecen otros fallos nuevos que las anteriores no tenían.

La metería en la xbox y demás pero como veo que corrigen muchos fallos y no me entero realmente lo que mejora y tampoco se si el cambio vale la pena o no,me esperare a que alguien diga alguna mejora sustancial, por ahora prefiero quedarme con la anterior puesta que tengo todas las pelis y series con caratulas,etc...y es un palizon tremendo hacerlo de nuevo.
2009-10-31 24148 [XBOX] added: FFmpeg sources based on Linuxport r21898 [XBOX]
changed: Modified FFmpeg build script so the generated DLLs are optimized for Xbox
(Pentium 3 arch) [XBOX] updated: New optimized DVDPlayer DLLs. They provide a
significant performance increase :-)

Esto me llama bastante la atención.... pero siempre la lio cuando cambio la última estable por otra...
Y en terminos para la gente de calle que viene significando eso? Mejora calidad de imagen/videos u algo?
Como decis, lo mejor esperar una estable, pero por lo que se ve, esta corregiendo muchos errores.

Lo mejor es hacer un backup de la version que tengais instalada antes de cambiarla, asi si no os gusta pues restaurais y listo, saludos.
La ha probado alguien?
Al final me quedé con la estable porque estaba harto de que fueran fallando pequeñas cosas cada vez y no me diera cuenta de las mejoras
asderr escribió:Lo mejor es hacer un backup de la version que tengais instalada antes de cambiarla, asi si no os gusta pues restaurais y listo, saludos.

+1, lo has clavao, si la nueva falla, a la hoguera con ella y a volver a la antigua. [sati]
y que carpeta es la que hay que copiar de la version que tenías a esta nueva para que tanto las portadas,fanarts,etc...aparezcan sin tener que volver a buscar todo?
y que carpeta es la que hay que copiar de la version que tenías a esta nueva para que tanto las portadas,fanarts,etc...aparezcan sin tener que volver a buscar todo?

creo que era la de "userdata"
alguien podria recordarme que no me acuerdo, como la meto la revision estable 9.04.1 desde un dvd y que me la ejecute como dash principal??es que lo hize desde el biohazard oel EOLINSTALLER creo y era casi automatico y nunca lo he probado desde un dvd,asi siempre podre actualizar a la ultima version estable.Gracias esto llevo tiempo probandolo y nunca me sale
He de decir que probé esta ultima version en la xbox y me ha dado algun que otro problema con el skin transparency hasta que al final cuelgue de la xbox y cuando la he vuelto a encender me ha dicho que el skin es incomplatible y que tengo que bajar una version mas moderna,con la 2.10 va bien,pero como es beta todavía hay bastantes cosas que corregirle y los scrapers tambien me han dado algun que otro problema,el de series de thetvdb,no tengo por donde cogerlo,busca y baja los fanarts cuando le da la gana,etc...en cambio con la version anterior no he tenido ningun problema.

Yo por ahora la descarto y vere si con la camelot cuando sea definitiva se puede hacer algo con ella en la xbox.
12 respuestas