XECUTER2 4976 BIOS [26 March 2003]
Yet another "maintenance release".
IGR Disable: To disable the X2 IGR simply place the "x2_IGR_disabled" file on your E:/ drive - thats it !
We have disabled the AV cable check as a request from some lan / linux users (still flashes orange but boots to dash)
Added Superfr0s nice error screen hack - total credits to the 'fr0
Those who report some IGR issues in a game - the best way to use IGR is to be in a "non-action state" - i.e. no FMV or when paused - this will work 100% of the time for you.
Lots of reports about multiswitching this bios when flashed to onboard flash rom (TSOP) - well as far as we know it doesnt work with the multiversion boot loader (as used on x2 4974/5 EvoX D6 etc) and its not really something we feel the need to spend any time on right now (many big new features in progress).
Solution: Flash all 4 banks the same or buy a decent switchable modchip - however im sure someone on the forums will come up with a working solution for those who would rather eat their own puke than buy any modchip