puesta en venta de unas tierras, y me responden con chanchullos

pues si, basicamente y resumidamente, puse en internet un anuncio para tratar de vender unas parcelas en un poligono industrial, por petición de un familiar.

puse el anuncio en una pagina que es justamente, y unicamente, para eso, para vender parcelas.

contacta conmigo un tipo, a traves de esa pagina interesandose por las tierras, y yo le contesto hablandole sobre los metros cuadrados, y todo ese tipo de cosas, hasta ahí todo bien.

---> pero entonces me manda este email, atención: (el tipo habla en ingles en todo momento se me habia olvidado decirlo, y tiene en su perfil una fotografia, que no voy a poner, en donde se ve a un tipo vestido con la mimeta del uniforme militar estadounidense), en fin:


Hello good friend,

Thank you for your response, I will buy your PROPERTY including the
land at your giving price , please remove the PROPERTY including the
land from the online ad and consider it bought, I will like to trust
in you as regards to a business, I would want us to work together like
blood relations. You can actually sale the PROPERTY including the land
if you are in a hurry to sale it maybe when I come we can arrange for
another PROPERTY including the land. I am a war veteran with the
United Nations troop in Afghanistan, on war against terrorism and
peace keeping mission. I served in the 1st Armored Division in Kabul.

Based on the United States legislative and executive decision for
withdrawing troops from Afghanistan, I have been redeployed to come
and work in Europe on the platform of North Atlantic Treaty
Organization (NATO) soon. Our mission is to help beef up terrorist
targeted states, mostly the United States and the European Union on
the war against terrorism. I will need a PROPERTY including the land
that is why I contacted you.

On the other hand, I would like to inform you that I have in my
possession the sum of 19.2 million U.S dollars. Which I made from
crude oil here in Afghanistan. I deposited this money with a Red Cross
agent informing him that we will contact the real owner of the money.
It is under my power to approve who is eligible for this money.

I would invest the money in your country as soon as you agree to keep
this fund safe in your country for business and other investment
purposes through you, but you will advise me on that because I am not
a business cultured person. I can not move this money into the United
States, because I will be in Europe for about 4 years, so I need
someone I could trust. If you accept, I will move the fund to your
country, where you will be the beneficiary, because I am a uniformed
person and I can not parade such an amount of money, so I need to
present someone as the recipient. I'm an American and an officer for
intelligence in army, and I have a 100% authentic means of
transferring the money through diplomatic courier Service without any

I just need your acceptance, and everything is done. Please, if you
are interested in this transaction, I give you the complete details
you need for us to implement this transaction successfully. I decided
to contact someone I could trust and real and not imaginary, and that
is why I went to a safe place in the online web, where I can be sure
that the person is real and can be trusted.

Can I trust you? Where are you now? We can not communicate through our
military facilities because calls are monitored, it is better and safe
to communicate through email because nobody can monitor our e-mails,
and once I hear from you I will explain the deal in details to your
better understanding. I have to be sure am dealing with someone I
could trust. If you are interested, please send me your personal
details for further verification. If you are not interested, do not
respond to this e-mail and I will delete this Message if no response
after 3 days, I will then search for someone else.

I wait for your contact information details, so that we can go on. In
less than 4 days the box should be in your possession, and I will come
for my money one I confirm you have received the box. I will give you
30% of the total and 70% for me. I hope I have been fair to this deal.
Get back to me with your full information:

Your full name...........................
Your full address.......................
Your direct phone number.........


Captain Roudabush

yo no termino de enterarme muy bien con el ingles, pero hasta donde entiendo yo, me esta diciendo que está en afganistan, que ha conseguido mucho dinero con el petroleo, pero que no puede meterlo en su pais, entonces tiene previamente que tenerlo aqui 4 años o algo asi...

no se... una historia muy rara

y a mi las historias raras no me gustan nada.

las opciones que estoy barajando son:

- pasar como de la mierda
- ir a la policia/guardia civil, en caso de que verdaderamente alguna persona me diga que esto es verdaderamente un chanchullo raro.
desde aquí estoy oliendo el tufo a timo [360º]
esto es como los envíos a nigeria cuando te quieren comprar la xbox 360 xDD

eso es que no se cómo la gente pica. se huele a timo desde que lees de qué va la primera letra xD

pasa de ese xD
Respóndele, de forma educada a su email, escribiendo:

Vete mucho a tomar por culo, Tú y tu puta madre ...

verás como lo entiende.
Una vez puse un peugeot 106 en venta y me envio un email un ingles interesado. Me decia que le parecia bien el precio y que me enviaria un cheque y lo vendria a buscar un camion para transportarlo.

Me envio el cheque diciendome que el mismo dia tenia que pasar el camion a recogerlo. Me llego el cheque y era falso... cuando llego el camion en mediodia lo despache rapido.

Hace 10 años no olia tanto a timo xD
Timo nigeriano, un clásico.
Con dos segundos en google, aqui tienes el mismo correo pero del capitan morgan.
Un soldado americano con 20 millones de dólares... claro claro!!! por eso todos los americanos quieren ir a la guerra, menudo chollazo de vida!!! petróleo gratis y a vivir como auténticos emires árabes!

Timo y del grande... huye de esos correos como de la peste... entre eso y las rusas que quieren casarse con españoles pues...
Ni un contratista gana tanto dinero ! [+risas]
Que sus e-mails no pueden ser monitorizados?? jajajaja, que ponga ese texto "standar" al día.

Aparte de eso, prácticamente siempre q dan más explicaciones de las pedidas, hay gato encerrado.
Este no se ha enterado del caso Snowden xD.
10 respuestas