Me gusta la frasecilla, de hecho ya es un clásico en nuestro grupo de amigos. Mezcla el toque latino con un poquito de inocencia y es muy versátil xD
Las jodidas llamas con sus piños son muy graciosas

En el sitio con las historietas de los memes aparece este comentario, bastante aclaratorio:
Acording to this, this “meme”, began as a image parody of the way “canis” talk ,an illiterated tribe of douchebags found in Spain, (there is a misconception in the video, because she says that “canis” and “chonis” are two separated species, which is incorrect. In fact, chonis are the female specimens of those “hominids”, and I am very sorry for insulting the entire Hominidae family).
Bassically, a user posted an image of a llama with a derp face writting more or less the way those idiots talk and years later another one finds it and (as you can see) posted it on twitter inmediatly calling it a Meme.And then it became viral not only on Latinoamerican contries, but also in Spain.
So, we not only have a forced meme, but also we are imitating a group wich IQ is way below the intelligence of a rock, congratulations.
P.S: I wonder if people remember the true and good Spanish/Latinoamerican memes like Edgar’s fall or “¿Por qué no te callas?”….