que hace la proteccion SecuROM7?

pues eso, ya conocia starforce3, pero he oido hablar de SecuROM7 que instala cosas sin permiso tambien, y me gustaria que alguien me explicara que es lo que hace exactamente esa proteccion...

Te puede servir esto.

SecuROM is a patented CD-ROM copy protection technology that identifies a ‘genuine’ CD-ROM by a special authentication mechanism. During Sony DADC’s mastering process an electronic fingerprint is applied onto the glass master which assigns a unique number to each CD-ROM title.

The most recent version also detects if it is being run from a CD-R media (V-Rally 2), to solve this just use a CD-ROM, instead of a CD-Writer, to play the game from.

The latest SecuROM New revision includes "Trigger Functions" which allow the developer to program multiple and fully customizable authentication checks throughout the entire application, providing what is said to be a much stronger copy control than systems with only one check at program start. The Trigger Function toolset enables the publisher/developer to customize a unique security code for each title to prevent even title-specific cracks and Internet piracy.

Hace muy poco ha aparecido SecuROM(v7) Business Edition que es aún más potente

* Protection of demos and test versions that only work for a certain period of time: "Try & Die"
* Protection of content on CD-R with SecureCD-R technology
* SecuROM Business Edition for non-games applications with flexible disc check

Aún así es debil que las últimas versiones de Starforce [uzi]

Saludos [bye]
Hombre , no se si sera una solucion muy valida.....

Yo lo que hago ,es que cuando instalo un juego que lleva esta proteccion ,me voy a :


Y borro el ejecutable de la aplicacion. Otra cosa no se me ocurre ,ni he encontrado.
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