esto esta sacado de la seccion de tutoriales de ps2hd :
Setting Up the Exploit with Retail HDL Software
You really need the retail HDLoader or HDAdvance for this unless you have another method to boot a disk. You also need a network cable to connect the PS2 to your PC and an FTP client like flashfxp or another. We are gonna use ExecFTPs_v0.69 to install the Exploit via FTP...We need to make a disk image that boots ExecFTPs_v0.69 to install to a hdloader partition with WinHIIP 1.7.2, HDL_Dumb 0.8, or faplink. You are gonna need all the files I provide....First of all...the file CONFIG.DAT contains the network settings and those are...
IP =
Subnet Mask =
Gateway =
It doesn't look like this if you open CONFIG.DAT in notepad to edit it but change the numbers accordingly to make changes.....This config should work fine for anyone using either crossover cable/router to connect and can setup there own network.....too much to explain for this tutorial

If you cannot connect you can change Router/NIC settings and should not have to mess with CONFIG.DAT!
We will now start making the image with CDGenPS2 using the files in ExecFTPs_v0.69.rar.
1. Open CDGenPS2.exe
2. Add the files in ExecFTPs_standalone0_68.rar in this order to CDGenPS2...drag and drop
1. SYSTEM.CNF (this file is the first to boot and links to ExecFTPs.ELF)
2. CONFIG.DAT (Edit this if you need the PS2
3. ExecFTPs.ELF (the main executable file, loads EVERYTHING in the FILES directory)
4. DUMMY.000 (this file just adds size to the image you make which is required)
5. Click on IMG to make an image and save it somewhere
6. Done!
You need the image you made to burn the disk with. Once you have the ExecFTPs cd image, follow these steps to install it to your HD so that your retail HDLoader will be able to read it and launch it like a PS2 game in HDLoader's list.
First off you must get WinHIIP 1.6.6 and use it to transfer your image to the HD....I won't bother explain how to use this as it is self explanatory. I will tell you that you must hook up the PS2's HD to the PC then select that drive with WinHIIP so it can be viewed. If this is a fresh drive with no games or anything on it, it would be a good idea to use WinHIIP's new feature to create and name a small "NON-HDL" partition. This partition will be useful to store apps, roms and any other large apps like the Quake 2 port and the Beats of Rage port.
So anyways....add a new image to the drive and select the ExecFTPs image to transfer over...once it is done....put the HD back in the PS2 (set it back to master if you had to change it) and run your Retail HDLoader and you should be able to boot the ExecFTPs image. It will start and you should see it say it started an ftp server on port should have your PS2 connected to your PC through a network cable now. Open your ftp client (FlashFXP) and connect to with no login or pass and be sure to turn PASV off. It should connect and you can browse to mc/0 and you should see the mc's file structure...if you connected and see no **THIS!**....our focus here is to transfer everything IN the FILES directory in Exploit_Files.rar, to the BADATA-SYSTEM (or BEDATA, BIDATA) folder on the MC. You must add the custom TITLE.DB made above if the included TITLE.DB with 800 titles included does not work for you and you can make one easily following THIS!
**if you don't see any files, transfer 3-4 tiny .txt files...ExecFTPs has a bug that won't list the directory if the number of items to view are 20 or's weird...just add 3-4 small files to where you should see the MC file directory to correct it.**
....move on to the next section to learn how to use KeyLauncher and the other five apps that were installed to the MC....