Conservaremos el nick?, tendremos que pagar otros 60 euros para abonarnos otra vez, tendra microsoft algun trato de favor con los usarios ya abonados?
Alguien puede resolver estas dudas?
Un saludo
THX Certified
26.561 mensajes desde may 2001 en Rancho Skywalker
Las dos subscripciones anuales de Live que he tenido, las pillé en sendos hypers a mitad de precio... y si permiten usarla con la 360, continuaré con ese método: pillo started-kits-live para la antigüa X y la uso tambien con la 360... mientras dure el chollo
Pongo la info sacada de la OXM (Official Xbox Magazine):
Q: If I buy the new starter kit for Xbox Live, can I use that subscription card on Xbox 360?
A: Absolutely. If you buy an Xbox Live subscrition now, all the time you have left on your subscription will transfer automatically to your Xbox 360. Xbox Live is a single, unified service and users will be able to go from one to the other seamlessly. So if you we're waiting for Xbox 360 to come out before joining the 2 millon members who've already joined Xbox Live, you have no reason to worry. It will work across platforms.
Q: Will Xbox and Xbox 360 Live members be able to play and interact with each other?
A: It's important to us that Xbox Live members who have built up a community of friends be able to continue to interact with each other. Not only will Xbox and Xbo 360 players be able to talk each other and receive game invites from each other, they'll also be able to play against each other with any Xbox backwards compatible titles.