Addiction escribió:No no tienen yo me descargado 150 GB en un día, alldebrid va peor que realdebid
de uploaded en realdebrid?? cuando fue eso?? porque yo hace pocos dias tambien me baje mas de 100 de uploaded con alldebrid. No se porque han puesto ahora limite.
Hace unos meses estuve con realdebrid y para entonces solia fallar mucho netload, que era el servidor que mas usaba entonces
edito: esto pone de uploaded en alldebrid:
We have detected that uploaded just add a new ultra-restrictive security measure that decreases traffic BEFORE the file is downloaded.
Briefly, we cannot generate premium links more than allocated traffic, which is already extremely limited to only 30GB/day!
We do not give up, we will keep on searching an internal solution, which you will benefit as soon as we found it.
Meanwhile, uploaded is unfortunately non-functional, we apologize for the inconvenience.