Pues eso que tras ir poco a poco nintendo soltando sobre la revolution pues me he acordado sobre un blog que yo mismo postee hace un tiempo ya que muchas de las cosas que ha revelado nintendo ya las habia leido en ese blog
segun el blog:
I hinted at Sega's involvement in Nintendo's online downloading system. Well, I'll just confirm it. Have fun playing Sega games through "Revolution" downloads! Not that big a surprise, but at least it's something
La realidad:
Ayer se confirmaba el apoyo de sega hacia la retrocompatibilidad de nintendo sacando en ella sus juegos mas cl ásicos
decia el blog
In the extremely early stages right now is a MMORPG game set in the Mario universe. This is some very fresh news to hear. From what I gathered, it's in such an early stage that it could potentially be put on the shelf with haste. I know a lot about the time it takes to develop a game. It seems as if they don't even have the basic character models complete yet.
La realidad :
Reggie confirmaba hace poco que los MMORPG no se habian cultivado mucho en consola y dejaba caer la existencia de algun juegos de este tipo para Revolution
Segun el blog
Tokyo Game Show starts very soon. The sixteenth...Revolution Day.
I'm actually leaving for Japan tomorrow. My team and I want to see this for ourselves. Nintendo has a lot to show and not all of which we're aware of. It's going to be surprising at the very least.
This will probably be the last update here until TGS. It's exciting to think about. After all this wait and time, it'll be shown. The purpose of this site was to ensure everyone that Nintendo will be perfectly alright. You'll see exactly what I mean in only three days. Such a great feeling.
This will be the first time that the final prototype for the "Revolution" will be shown...and I'm not talking about what was shown at e3.
La realidad:
nintendo desvelaria en el tokyo game show contra todo pronostico el misterioso mando de revolution
Y mi pregunta es:
¿Realidad o casualidad?
¿Creeis que pueda haber gente(desarrolladores, contactos)con ganas de compartir sus informaciones sobre revolution pero que al no poderlo hacer de manera oficial, digan un poco en blogs o foros?
el susodicho blog es el siguiente: