RAMmap, es una herramienta de microsoft la cual nos permite ver cuanta y porque programas esta siendo usada la RAM del sistema, ademas d epoder liberar.

Pagina Oficial:
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/sysint ... ads/rammapMas detalles de como se usa:
https://channel9.msdn.com/shows/defrag- ... s-6-rammapave you ever wondered exactly how Windows is assigning physical memory, how much file data is cached in RAM, or how much RAM is used by the kernel and device drivers? RAMMap makes answering those questions easy. RAMMap is an advanced physical memory usage analysis utility for Windows Vista and higher. It presents usage information in different ways on its several different tabs:
Use Counts: usage summary by type and paging list
Processes: process working set sizes
Priority Summary: prioritized standby list sizes
Physical Pages: per-page use for all physical memory
Physical Ranges: physical memory addresses
File Summary: file data in RAM by file
File Details: individual physical pages by file