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objetivamente, este juego me parece bueno a secas pero con el aditivo RARE
Creo que hay ganas de lanzar muchas piedras hacia la millonaria compra que hizo en su día MS y el fin de RARE con Nintendo.
Escrito originalmente por hawkmoon
Esa será la razon para poner a bajar de un burro a un juego que a mi personalmente me encantará. Pero yo es que soy muy rarito, tambien me ha gustado el voodoo vince.
pd: "tanto gilipollas, y tan pocas balas" (ford farlaine)![]()
Grabbed by the Ghoulies: 4/5
Pros: Looks fantastic, Great fun to play, Good puzzles
Cons: Controls can sometimes get 'sticky'
Judge Dredd: Dredd vs Death: 3/5
Pros: Better then most Xbox FPS but not the best by some way, Fancy Technology
Cons: Some bland generic sections, Poorly thought out controls, Lack of Enemy Variety
XIII: 4/5 (No mention of how good multiplayer or live is)
Pros : Stylish Graphics, Excellent presentation, Doesn't copy Halo.Good mix of stealth and gunplay.
Cons: Parker Posey, Doesn't play quite as uniquely as it looks. Can be a little linear.
Disney Extreme Skate adventure: 4/5
Pros: Good fun, Spot on animation,Diverse musical soundtrack,
Cons: A bit kiddy, quirky.
Conflict Desert storm 2: 3/5
Pros: Big Explosions, Big Guns, Inner City battle Zone, Plays as good as the first one,
Cons: Occasionally dumb A.I., Only 10 levels, More of an expansion pack then a sequel.
Club Football(soccer): 4/5
Pros: Detailed, good pacing, Plays very well.
Cons: Refs can be too harsh, Some A.I hesitation re: split second decisions.
Aliens VS Predator: Extinction 2/5
Pros: An Xbox RTS, 3 different campaigns.
Cons: An rts for dummies.Dum A.I. Not Graphically impressive
NHL 2004 : Not given out of 5 as it depends if you like Hockey or not
Pros: Lots of options. Solid.
Cons: Not enough of an update to differenciate it from its predecessor.
Madden NFL 2004: Not given out of 5 as it depends if you like American football or not
Pros: Impressive Graphics, Large career Mode, John Madden
Cons: For NFL Fans only, not enough improvements from its predecessor.
Otogi: 4/5
Pros: Distinctive. Stunningly Good Looking. Fun to play.
Cons; Not a great game but has had a lot of love put into it. A little on the short side.
Pirates of the Carribean: 2/5
Pros: Huge. A solid RPG.
Cons: Only associated to the film by name. No Keira Knightley. A bit buggy.
Alter Echo: 2/5
Pros: Competent engine.
Cons: Off the wall you're left wondering whats going on. Absurd story and premise.
Outlaw Volleyball: 3/5
Pros: Stupid but enjoyable. Fun to play. Decent Graphics.
Cons: Not much single player replay value.
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004: 5/5
Pros: Huge. Fun to play. Create a player
Cons: Similar to its predecessor. No live play
Finding Nemo: 2/5
Pros: Nice looking.
Cons: Clipping issues, Shallow.
Ghost recon: Island thunder
Pros: Stunning new visuals, only £20. Live play.
Cons: Only 8 levels.
WWE RAW 2: 3/5
Pros: Up to date rosters. Amazing graphics. Excellent concept well executed with lots of options.
Cons: Gameplay is the same as Raw 1. A little unresponsive.
Colin Mcrae rally 04: 5/5
Pros: Excellent graphics. Excellent Handling. In depth.
Cons: No live play
20 libras, que son 30 eurosGhost recon: Ghost recon: Island thunder
Pros: Stunning new visuals, only £20. Live play.
Mmm, un 4 de 5, lo mismo que el Disney's extreme skate (con lo malo que es) y que el Otogi (que es bueno) para mi que estos son de los que puntuan con el culo
20 libras, que son 30 euros