RARE hatemail

Como sabréis, RARE publica en su web algunas de las cartas que mandan los fans, no os perdais las últimas XD


Dear Scribes,
I know you probably get a lot of e-mails about this, but what horrible, dangerous disease was it that you people caught, that made you abandon your biggest fans? Was it because you are just greedy, never happy until your pockets are full? You have been working on Nintendo consoles for years, I've been with you ever since the early days of the NES. Back then, you were a great games developer, and you kept getting better... but now you've dropped to a low that you've never been before. Thank you for ruining my gaming life.

Dear Scribes,
I hate you guys, I waited for so long, ever since the first f**king announcement of Kameo, I've been excited about it, that's one of the main reasons I got Gamecube, because Kameo features a new way to battle with monsters. I waited that long just to find out that Kameo is gone, and now I have to listen to the Xbox-loving b*tches at my school rejoice becuz they're getting Perfect Dark, Banjo, Conker, and Kameo. Damn them, and damn you. I hate you guys, I HATE RARE!!
*burns Perfect Dark and GoldenEye*

Dear Scribes,
There is no good excuse for turning your back on your Nintendo fan base completely in this way in an era where multi-platform game releases are the rule rather than the exception. We are responsible for your considerable success. Your shunning of the people that put you where you are today is shameful, and, like all other creative people who forsake their roots, your endeavors will be destined to fail until you make amends with your fans and put things right once more.
Release your games for the GameCube as well as the X-Box, or your customers WILL make their displeasure known by taking their hard-earned cash elsewhere, leaving you bereft of profits and in danger of being dissolved entirely by your new corporate masters.
Nintendo and Nintendo gamers have been very, very good to you. The proper thing to do is to return the favor. If you don't, you'll find out firsthand that negative karma is indeed a bitch.
Disgruntled Fan

Dear Scribes,
I am sorry to announce that I am not purchasing any more games from you, Now that you have switched to Microsoft's X-box, I cannot buy any more games from you. I had purchased many games from you, you made video gaming what it is. I would have still purchased games from you if you had kept making them for Nintendo, could you at least respond to this letter. You have made many people mad and unwilling to purchase any more games from you.
Former Rare Game Consumer

Dear Scribes,
Can't believe you guys sold out... Well, guess this is goodbye forever. I'll never play a new Rare title for the rest of my life... think you guys have really let down a lot of your friends. You have no honor. I understand business is business, and I won't argue against the idea that it makes commercial sense what you've done, but I'm entitled to my opinion and just wanted you to know that I'm sure a lot of other gamers are seriously disappointed. Good bye and good luck--because Heaven knows, that's all that's gonna keep you guys alive now. Adieu.
Kale Menges

Just a little note to convey my complete and utter disgust at Rare's decision to sell out. I have no intention whatsoever to ever buy one of your games again. I would have thought that the least you owed Nintendo was loyalty.
Happily I don't think you will be missed. Metroid Prime will fill the vacuum you've left in the FPS genre, while Mario Sunshine is infinitely better than Banjo & Kazooie could ever be.
I wish you bankruptcy, you pathetic, money-grabbing, opportunists.
A former Rare fan

That's probably a fair selection, though lacking the really crass and offensive ones. I also decided not to include any of the ones trying to make a serious comparison between Rare's acquisition and the September 11th terrorist attack, as a) reprinting them would be in bad taste and b) as far as I'm concerned the perspective-impaired idiots who wrote them don't deserve the publicity.
I can't give you a full and frank corporate explanation of the decision beyond what's already available on the site, but here's my take on the whole thing: it was a business decision. This is a business. The people who laid the foundations of Rare 20 years ago and still run it to this day have every right to choose their own roads through the industry, and the need to survive and evolve as a company doesn't necessarily cancel out the urge to go on making damn good games. Also, Rare is not totally oblivious to the fact that the ups and downs of the gaming world mean a lot more to some people than others, and it goes without saying that nobody here set out to do anything as self-destructive as intentionally causing bad feeling within the established fanbase. Trust me when I say that none of the decisions made over the last few months were made lightly.
At the end of the day, however, it's not as if Rare has stopped making games entirely. We're still out there, still working as hard as ever. All that's changed is the platform, as it has many times before in the past (something the Timeline was meant to emphasise), and I don't see how you can argue the case for any kind of 'betrayal' when there's still a solid relationship with Nintendo in place - how do you think we intended to manage future GBA development without it?
For myself, I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to send in death threats and personal abuse, as it made the email-reading ritual every morning something to really look forward to. Thanks a lot.
Scribes, then. Brace yourself. Here we go...
alguien podria hacer una traducion mas menos en forma de resumen para lo k no estemos puestos en INGLES?


Pues resumiendo muy resumido.

Los ex-fans de RARE se cagan en sus muelas por haber dejado de programar para Nintendo. Y RARE contesta, que les peten, que los negocios son los negocios y que unos cuantos fans no van a cambiar el rumbo que la empresa debia tomar.

Pues nada, lo normal digo yo XD XD
Y seguro que estas son las mas light y educadas... [+risas]

Hay que ver que cosas tienen los fanboys...
For myself, I'd like to thank all of you who took the time to send in death threats and personal abuse, as it made the email-reading ritual every morning something to really look forward to. Thanks a lot.

pues yo m alegro pq si una empresa kiere subsistir, tendrá k evolucionar y a la vez ganar mas pasta, komo? hiendose al sol k mas kalienta. vamos digo yo no....?

Escrito originalmente por Alejo I
I also decided not to include any of the ones trying to make a serious comparison between Rare's acquisition and the September 11th terrorist attack

[qmparto] [qmparto] [qmparto]
Joder ke mal esta la gente
Escrito originalmente por Alejo I
the ones trying to make a serious comparison between Rare's acquisition and the September 11th terrorist attack

A mi es esto lo que me parece mas fuerte, comparando la venta de Rare con el atentado del 11 de septiembre, por favor estamos hablando de videojuegos. A mi no me entra en la cabeza que alguien se pueda tomar estas cosas de esta manera ein?
Escrito originalmente por Malakay

A mi es esto lo que me parece mas fuerte, comparando la venta de Rare con el atentado del 11 de septiembre, por favor estamos hablando de videojuegos. A mi no me entra en la cabeza que alguien se pueda tomar estas cosas de esta manera ein?

En serio,no me creo que no hayas pillado la gracia XD

Que chispa tienen estos de Rare,a ver si aprovechan mejor el tiempo y se dejan de cartas,y les queda bien el Kameo XD
A ellos tampoco les ha hecho mucha gracia la comparación [Alaa!].
La contestacion que tenian que haber dado los de RARE es simple y llana; oye chaval, si tanto te gustan nuestros juegos, pues bien baratita que tienes la xbox, con unos pedazo packs que lo flipas [poraki] [burla2] [bye]

oye la verdad...

todos los nintendo fanboys (ex-rare fanboys) son asi de...NIÑATOS??

Que si lealtad que si honor que si noseque...

QUE SON NEGOCIOS JOER!!! Rare se ha ido del ala de nintendo porque ha visto que puede obtener mas y mejores beneficios en otra parte...asi de claro!!.

Esta gente es que no entiende...mas bien, no quiere entender unas cuantas cosas, y se me ocurren 2:

una: que la unica casa de software que realmente hace negocio en una plataforma de nintendo es la propia nintendo. (ejem...ha vendido bien, pero no se hasta que punto capcom "vive" de Resident Evil, cuando uno de sus jefazos esta cagandose en todo lo alto de la decision de hacerlo exclusivo de cube) [sonrisa]

dos: que sin juegos de rare el catalogo de gamecube se queda bastante desprotegido (y encima, si al catalogo de gamecube le quitamos 4 juegos estrategicos se queda mas pelado que una rana...mas que cualquier otra plataforma, cosa que por cierto tambien pasaba en N64).

en resumen, esta gente REALMENTE piensa asi o es que todavia no han empezado a hacerse las pajillas? ¬_¬

CuñaaAaaAaAaaaaoOoOoo :Ð

Hacia tiempo que no me reia tanto... [jaja]
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