Rebug v3.41E Beta 1.0 Released PS3BREAK

Two of our valued PSX-SCENE developers Evilsperm and Cyberskunk have finally released their REBUG for the PS3!

The goal of this wonderful package called REBUG is to convert a RETAIL PS3 Console into basically a full Sony DEBUG/TEST machine with all the features that developers have at their fingertips to use, that are hidden away from normal stock end-user PS3 consoles!

Recently the team has made enough progress to be able to officialy launch a fully stable BETA release for everyone to enjoy on their PS3 Consoles!

Q) What is ‘Rebug 3.41E’?

A) An attempt to build a Debug/Retail PS3 firmware with the full features of both

Q) Does it need to be ‘Jailbroken’

A) Yes. It has it’s own payload. But not to use the ‘Debug Settings’ menu. That is always available.

I have finally decided that ‘Rebug 3.41E’ is in good enough shape for a beta release so here it is.

At the moment it has all ‘Retail PS3′ features running except PSN. So installing ‘Rebug 3.41E’ will not break anything infact you can play your original PS1 games in JB mode and unlike most Debug/Retail hybrids in the past this has functional BD playback(Same as usual though, not in JB mode)..

As far as the Debug functions go you have two seperate ‘Debug Settings’ menus to choose from (As long as you are in JB mode you can swap between them using file manager without restarting) with most of the options working (None of the really good ones yet). But you now have XMB acces to all those xRegistry.sys switches..

Also at anytime if you decide you don’t like ‘Rebug 3.41E’ you can install ‘Retail 3.41′ through the XMB without any problems..

‘Rebug 3.41E’ is stable. It does not crash randomly or for no reason. It has no bugs that I know of at the moment. It does however need lots more work getting the rest of the debug options up and running.

There are a few things close to going into ‘Rebug 3.41E’ but would have messed with the stability for now so they will hopefully be in the next release. Like BD playback in JB mode (Crashes randomly at the moment so it was left out) and an app to swap the ‘Debug Settings’ menus..

I will try to keep on top of it and evolve Rebug with the scene..

I hope you like it.



Follow this tutorial to the letter or risk bricking your console!

We are not Responsible if you brick you console or do anything other than Rebug is intended for.
If you do happen to brick you console you will still be able to fix it with Service Mode.

You have been warned!

** You must be on Firmware 3.41 **

This is a (2) part tutorial

Ok Lets Get Started

Part 1:

1. Copy the Rebug folder over to aUSB stick
2. Jailbreak your console with PS3Break firmware V1.6
**WARNING** At this point you must flash in v1.6 firmware, not V1.71 or V1.7
3. Install Comgenie Awesome Filemanager v6
4. Install Mount Alejandro
5. Load Mount Alejandro andpressO (It will return to XMB)
6. Load Comgenie Awesome Filemanager
7. Enter the dir dev_Alejandro on the LEFT side
**WARNING** At this point you can brick your console if you are not careful!
8. PressSelect
9. Delete the directories listed below by pressing [] then Start
10. Open your USB stick on the RIGHT side and enter the Rebug directory
11. Copy over each directory by pressing O then Start
12. After all of the directories are copied to dev_Alejandro power down the console
byholdingdown the ‘Power’ button
13. Install the PS3Break firmware 1.8 Rebug 3.41E Payload on your jailbreak device.
14. Jailbreak your PS3 and enjoy your new Rebugged console!. You will able to see
the "debug setting" under setting at the XMB.

Part 2:

This allows to swap between Rebug’s two different ‘Debug Settings’ menus (you can swap between debug_menu1 and debug_menu2)

1. Jailbreak your console with any Rebug 3.41E payload. You can find it at

3. Load Mount Alejandro and press O (It will return to XMB)

4. Load Comgenie Awesome Filemanager

5. Enter the dir dev_Alejandro/vhs/module/ on the LEFT side

6. Enter the dir dev_flash/vhs/rebug/debug_menu2 on the RIGHT side

**WARNING** At this point you can brick your console if you are not careful!

7. Press Select

8. Select sysconf_plugin.sprx and press O then start

9. Hold the PS button down and Quit Game

10. Go have a look at all the new Debug options =)

If you want to swap back to debug menu 1 follow the directions above and enter debug_menu1 instead.

Esto para que es? Alguien lo sabe?

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Supongo que si es así, este hilo te lo van a cerrar.
Sigo sin entender porque la gente abre hilos, copypastea la informacion entera y luego pregunta "esto para que sirve?" O.o

Belphegor escribió:Sigo sin entender porque la gente abre hilos, copypastea la informacion entera y luego pregunta "esto para que sirve?" O.o


+ 10
Es que he buscado en el foro este tema y no estaba. Entonces me gustaría que alguien explicara un poco de que va esto. Solo eso. Gracias!
espinosi escribió:Es que he buscado en el foro este tema y no estaba. Entonces me gustaría que alguien explicara un poco de que va esto. Solo eso. Gracias!

Esto ya tenia tiempo publicado
Abrir un hilo sin saber ni lo que se pone implica estas cosas. Las publicaciones de GEOHOT o KARAROTO tardan menos de 2 minutos en llegar a EOL.

Por favor revisar los temas antes de abrir un hilo
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