reconstruir .self despues de decryptar by netkas

Netkas has offered this guide on how to reconstruct SELFs after decrypting!

Please note this is only really useful for true devs.

Here is a little, noob-unfriendly how-to about re-creating ps3 apps after you have decrypted it!

as example, I will talk about vsh.self, which everyone on jb ps3 can find in /dev_flash/

1) decrypt it with graf_chokolo’s payload, you will get two files after all, lets call them vsh.0 and vsh.1

2) compress these files with zlib, I use zpipe for it

cat vsh.0 | ./zpipe > vsh.0z
cat vsh.1 | ./zpipe > vsh.1z

size of files:

6951464 2010-12-05 02:06 vsh.0
2930941 2010-12-05 04:04 vsh.0z
338832 2010-12-05 02:06 vsh.1
133356 2010-12-05 04:04 vsh.1z

3) going into vsh.self
look at 64-bit big endian value at 0×290 – 0×0000000000000900 (2304 decimal), its start of first segment (vsh0) in vsh.self, next 64bit BE value at 0×298 is size of this section – 0×00000000002cb8fd (2930941 decimal) , perfectly matched to size of out vsh.0z
same for vsh1, start at 0×2b0 – 0×00000000002dafe0 (2994144 decimal), size at 0×2b8 – 0×00000000000208ec == 133356 (size of vsh.1z)

4) now we need to copy decrypted and inflated sections to the vsh.self

dd if=./vsh.0z of=./vsh.self bs=1 seek=2304 conv=notrunc

dd if=./vsh.1z of=./vsh.self bs=1 seek=2994144 conv=notrunc

5) need to edit some headers -

0×08 big endian 0004 to 8000

0×2af, 0×2cf, 0×2ef, 0×30f, 0×32f – change 0×01 to 0×02.

6) now u have this pseudo-debug self, and can use usual three steps to make it run on jb ps3, where EBOOT.BIN is our final self after 5th step

Selftool.exe -o EBOOT2.BIN -c0 EBOOT.BIN
unfself.exe EBOOT2.BIN EBOOT3.BIN
make_fself.exe EBOOT3.BIN EBOOT4.BIN

EBOOT3.BIN is a nice to analyze elf, EBOOT4.BIN is a ready to run SELF.

Please note this is only really useful for true devs.
Joer, vaya fin de semana... :D

stratoeddie escribió:Joer, vaya fin de semana... :D


pues si,ahora solo toca esperar que algun entendido de con la clave para hacer funcionar el prince of persia,eternal sonata,etc...

p.d:que nadie pregunte sobre si puede arreglar los juegos como el gt5,etc por que no se puede por ahora
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