No sale, lo he comprobado y no no.
EDITO: Bueno yo no lo he visto hasta donde he jugado hace un rato...
Pero en esta review pone que si. escribió:
"Slow But Well Accomplished Platformer"
Master Of Darkness is a traditional platformer but as the title suggests, it’s not a cutesy one. In fact, this game is about fighting Dracula and the undead that goes with him.
The side scrolling graphics are dark and suitably dreary, and through the 5 levels, although the scenery changes, the actual structure of the levels don’t and you can tell that its just a different colour that’s been place on, and not a different place, especially when you use the same staircases in every level!
With that gripe aside though, this is a good, playable game. Although it doesn’t break any new ground at all, what it does, it does well, even if it is short.
One of the things it does best is give you an array of weapons to use. These range from your starting weapon, a dagger, to axes, stakes, pistols, bombs and the heavy-duty projectile. Other various things help you along the way, like the inspired voodoo doll for an extra life, and using the Ouija Board for a continue screen all to keep in the dark ghostly manner of the game.
The controls are easy to master, and once you’re on your way, its fairly easy stuff at the beginning. Most characters can be killed off in a shot or two at first, but as you work through the stages, the AI and health increase thus you need to up your ante to keep going.
Despite a slightly dull start, where the occasional flying dog is all you need to worry about, soon, wax works dummies will be flying across the screen without warning and bats will be hidden so you can’t see them until you disturb them. It’s a game where observations of patterns are needed so you can understand what to do, otherwise you’ll be baffled by it all but while the game isn’t pedestrian, it rarely breaks you into a panic. The shame of that is that there is really no puzzles, its just watch, learn, defeat…and so add finite. It may not be the most exciting game plan in the world, but it does have that crucial element of keeping your interest in the game, and not on what to play next. Also, as the game is fairly short, the ideas stay fresh until the end of the game.
Master Of Darkness is a game that takes you at a leisurely pace through the world of platforming and while it doesn’t give you anything new, it’s not the stale game it could have been.