[Release] Nuevo UPMS V3 Sapphire (Ultimate Pandora Memory Installer)!!!

Pues eso, ya salio este estupendo mod del pandora+DC 3 y 4

Aki la info

UPMS v3 Sapphire Released

Gh0st has just completed coding the newest installer from UPMS Project.
Here are the words from Gh0st himself.

UPMS Project is proud to bring your the 3rd release of UPMSInstaller.

DC3 (3.71)
DC4 (3.80)

Ability to write IPL to Memory Stick under 3.80M33 and 3.90M33.
Pandora battery creation.
Format for Fake Memory Sticks

And a few more extra's.

Por desgracia, y dado a que esto contiene Soft de SOny, no les puedo proporsionar un link.

Un googlaso no hace daño

Si , muy bien por postearlo pero esto va en scene.

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