Reparar un Sega Saturn

Buenas un amigo me ha traído su saturn para que le ayude tiene los síntomas:

1. System config. (that's because the lithium battery is K.O). The CD reader doesn't move, so this is the first "Uh-oh".
2. After configuring language, time and date, the console goes directly to the BIOS without doing the logo animation (you know, loads of polygons floating and finally creating the Sega Saturn logo). The CD reader remains stopped.
3. Once in the Control Panel, it says "checking disk format" for a long time, without spinning the disk (it is still stopped). After this, nothing else happens.
4. The box located to the right of the console is not a box anymore, is more like a yellow balloon, and doesn't change its shape. As I told before, It doesn't respond when I open or close the door.
5. Finally, I have detected that every time the console changes the TV image (for example, from saturn logo to control panel), it makes a very nasty noise, very creepy.

que encontre en este post

El mismo user menciona que lo soluciono haciendo:

at last, some days ago, I picked once again the Saturn, and comparing it with another working one, I discovered that the problem was located on the 5v power supply of the CD driver: it didn't work correctly. So I though that I could supply those 5v from another place: I did a cable bridge between the 2nd pin of the CD drive green connector and the 5v point that is on the main power supply (don't know if it is its name), and voilá! It worked! Now I've a fully functional Saturn again!

yo identifique el pin verde al que se refiere pero no se cual es el pin de 5v en este modelo, si alguien me ayuda, ojala con una foto sería una gran ayuda. saludos.


encontre esta foto


me parece que los pines a los que se refiere son el j104 #2 y de donde salen los cables rojos señalados por la flecha en rosa, alguien me puede confirmar esto, gracias
Espero que alguien te aclare pronto porque tambien estoy interesado en saber :cool:
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