**Just because the Mega CD and Sega Saturn offer full motion video doesn't mean that Nintendo's consoles have to miss out. Following in the footsteps of the FMV enabled homebrew MSU-1 chip for the Super Nintendo, the Game Boy Color is now also capable of playing back video files at full speed. To demonstrate this new feat, one retro developer has brought the iconic introduction sequence to the Pokemon Anime series to the classic handheld.
In true 'because why not' fashion, this new homebrew development goes on to show how far the 8-bit portable's processor can really be pushed. All of the memorable moments featuring Ash Kethum and his traveling team of Pokemon are contained within a hefty 8mb ROM file, however, with the slight limitation that audio playback is yet to be implemented. Instead, we're treated to a chiptune rendition of the theme tune we all know the words to.
Techincally speaking the video playback runs at 30fps, with up to 528 different colours allowed per frame, running at a resolution of 40x144 resized to 160x44 to fill the handheld's screen. On the project's Github page, documentation is provided allowing those interested to convert their very own video files for use on the Game Boy Color - but don't expect to see feature films moving over any time soon.**
Como homebrew me parece impresionante, aunque no veo un pimiento en esa resolución . Por lo que veo apenas va comprimido así que no da para mucho, el autor dice que en 8MB (lo máximo que soportaban los cartuchos de gameboy) daría para un par de minutos. Necesitaría algún HW extra que le permitiera más capacidad, al estilo SD2SNES.
Es cosa mia o los pixeles son doble altos? seguramente usaran el "truco" la resolución del ancho a mostrar para asi poder tener el doble de información en memoria...