No this is on PC. Im using the Xplosiv UK edition released in 2000. I tried to grab the cut scenes from GC since they were 480P not 160P like the PSX or PC versions, but they are all str files and the old PSX str tools dont work to extract them and I havent found any for GC. Plus the GC version never looked this clean
And if you look at a GC cutscene youll notice they are fullscreen with big black borders top and bottom where as mine do not and GC most certainly was not 1920x1080 ... 524PQ?th=1The vids you posted are from Resident Evil 2 remake not to be confused with Resident Evil 3. Some guys did start on one (480P) 5 or 6 years ago but never finished or released any of it
Some more upscaled cutscenes a vid running in windowed mode so you can see yes its the PC version of RE3, Yes these are new vids upscaled to 1080. And the difference between the original and my reworks ... e=youtu.beAnd yes so far all Ive done is the cut scenes. As I said above the goal of this isnt a releasable mod but rather to light a fire under Capcom. Thats how RE4 got done and got them doing RE2. You can always use a youtube downloader to grab the vids since they are just the WMVs before I renamed them to .dat and convert em to WMV and get the 1920x1080 cut scenes in your PC version of RE3. To get it to display 1920x1080 simply open BIO3.ini and manually edit the FULLSCREEN rez from whatever its set to to 1920x1080 and save it