Hace algunas semanas Gary liberó el nuevo residos 2.25.
Instalado ya en mi zxMatrix! ;.)
Cambios efectuados y muchos, importantes:
The following changes have been made in the current version of ResiDOS (v2.25) since the previous release (v2.08):
* Added new Channels package, v1.00.
* Added support for extended channel handling by packages.
* Added support for IM1 handling by packages.
* Added OPEN#, CLOSE# and POINT# commands.
* Added FN %PTR#() and FN %EXT#() functions.
* Added RESI_COMMAND call.
* Added RESI_IM1SVC call.
* Added RESI_TEMPSVC call.
* Changed %INSTALL command to allow packages which provide hook codes, NMI and channels that are already provided by another package to be installed (they simply won't be activated for such items). This matches the behaviour for BASIC commands, and is more user-controllable.
* Implemented parameter-handling for package-defined functions.
* Added syn_par_numeric, syn_par_alphabetic, syn_par_alphanumeric and syn_par_int32 items to the syntax checker.
* Fixed various bugs in the syntax checker (now removes embedded numbers after each failed syntax entry, clears working areas after each failed command evaluation, allows recovery from errors in expression evaluation so that further syntax entries may be tried).
* Fixed bug where Syntax package would hang if user attempted to enter or delete a line with a number > 9999.
* Respect any error handlers in RAM. This fixes "Hook code error" bugs in apps that try to detect IF1 etc functionality.
* Fixed broken LOAD !/SAVE ! commands.
* Fixed bug in %REFORMAT command which led to a hang if attempting to format a disabled or undetected unit.
* Fixed bug in %MAP command if provided with zero-length string.
* Fixed report system to generate any error which occurred when attempting to obtain a package error message from a package.
* Fixed error returned by IDEDOS in DOS_OPEN call if file handle already claimed by another filesystem.
* Fixed ResiDOS BASIC installer to avoid "Hook code error" if IF1/+D etc interface is present.
* Fixed ATTR% and other colour commands to avoid producing an error if no disk is present.
* Fixed AUTORUN behaviour with SE BASIC and GW (Gosh Wonderful) BASIC.