-Nintendo Co.,the world's largest maker of handheld video-game players,today reported its consolidated financial results for the six-month period ended September 30,2011.
Consolidated Results For the Six Months Ended September 2011 (Million Yen)
Net Sales ---> 215,738
Operating loss ---> 57,346
Net loss ---> 70,273
1 US$ = 76.65 yen (Sp 30, 2011)
1 Euro = 104.11 yen (Sp 30, 2011)
The operating loss was 57.3 billion yen.Due to re-evaluation of assets in foreign currencies exchange losses totaling 52.4 billion yen occurred.As a result de ordinary loss was 107.8 billion yen and the net loss was 70.2 billion yen

NDS Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2004/05 - - 2.84 2.42 5.26 5.26
FY 2005/06 1.29 2.19 5.69 2.29 11.46 16.72
FY 2006/07 4.54 5.55 8.79 4.67 23.55 40.27
FY 2007/08 7.00 6.37 11.14 5.81 30.32 70.59
FY 2008/09 6.96 6.78 11.89 5.56 31.19 101.78
FY 2009/10 5.97 5.73 11.65 3.76 27.11 128.89
FY 2010/11 3.15 3.54 9.01 1.82 17.52 146.42
FY 2011/12 1.44 1.14 - - 2.58 149.00
NDS Worldwide Software Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2004/05 - - 5.01 5.48 10.49 10.49
FY 2005/06 5.33 7.98 22.59 14.05 49.95 60.44
FY 2006/07 18.35 24.79 50.65 29.75 123.54 183.98
FY 2007/08 34.26 41.23 71.39 38.75 185.63 369.61
FY 2008/09 36.58 48.43 78.77 33.53 197.31 566.92
FY 2009/10 29.09 42.06 50.22 30.22 151.59 718.5
FY 2010/11 22.42 32.42 44.15 21.99 120.98 839.48
FY 2011/12 12.13 16.86 - - 28.99 868.48
Wii Worldwide Hardware Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2006/07 - - 3.08 2.76 5.84 5.84
FY 2007/08 3.43 3.9 6.98 4.31 18.62 24.46
FY 2008/09 5.17 4.92 10.42 5.43 25.94 50.4
FY 2009/10 2.23 3.53 11.29 3.48 20.53 70.93
FY 2010/11 3.04 1.93 8.75 1.36 15.08 86.01
FY 2011/12 1.56 1.79 - - 3.35 89.36
Wii Worldwide Software Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2006/07 - - 16.37 12.46 28.83 28.83
FY 2007/08 15.98 21.0 47.38 35.25 119.61 148.44
FY 2008/09 40.4 41.0 82.39 40.79 204.58 353.02
FY 2009/10 31.07 45.14 80.43 35.17 191.81 544.83
FY 2010/11 28.17 37.04 85.33 20.72 171.26 716.09
FY 2011/12 13.44 23.01 - - 36.45 752.54
3DS Worldwide Unit Sales (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2010/11 - - - 3.61 3.61 3.61
FY 2011/12 0.71 2.36 - - 3.07 6.68
Software Sales Ap-Jn Jl-Sp Oc-Dc Ja-Mr FY LTD
FY 2010/11 - - - 9.43 9.43 9.43
FY 2011/12 4.53 3.60 - - 8.13 17.56
FY 2011/12 Forecast (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales 6.0 12.0 16.0
Software Sales 62.0 100.0 50.0
Original Forecast (Unit:Million)
Hardware Sales 11.0 13.0 16.0
Software Sales 67.0 120.0 62.0