Review de Mechassault IGN

Este pedazo de juegos de Mechs sera de los primeros para Xbox Live.

A ton of mechs, a good single-player mode and a nice interface. It would have been nice to see more options for Live and even some customization, but I guess you can never have it all. 7.0
Though there are some moments of slowdown, this is one pretty game. Great mech animations, amazing particle effects, and I never tire of blowing up buildings. 9.0
Those with 5.1 will go deaf cranking up the volume on this beast. Fantastic sound effects and a solid score, but no customizable soundtracks. And please, stop with the voice masking! 9.0
Straight-up action. At times it almost seems too simple, but there is certainly strategy here. It's amazing how fresh the game feels no matter how often you play it. 8.0
Lasting Appeal
Plenty of mechs to enjoy, Xbox Live, and future downloadable content. More multiplayer modes would help, but there's no denying everyone will be playing this game online for the next year. 10.0
OVERALL SCORE (not an average) 9.2

"Lasting Appeal
Plenty of mechs to enjoy, Xbox Live, and future downloadable content. More multiplayer modes would help, but there's no denying everyone will be playing this game online for the next year. 10.0"

IMPRESIONANTE [fies] [fies]
Quiero ser piloto de mechas!!
Me ha sorprendido.

A ver si el Tekki da la talla también
Este juego lo necesito pero YA!!!!!!
me mola tu rollo jony!!
este no tendrá ningun mando adicional no? [+risas]

por cierto, funcionara tb kon el mando del Tekki? [jaja] [jaja]

kuando sale? junto al XBOXLIVE! ?

aios [bye]
[fumando] y digo yo...por ke el dia no tiene 40 horas para pasar 20 de ellas jugando a juegos como este???y por ke los juegos no valen 6 € para pillarme ese, el splinter cell,tekki, tec...?y por ke no.... [fumando] (ke pena ser pobre jejeje)
komo k pena, viva ser pobre, pq si fueras rico no conocerias este mundo. [sonrisa]

Este juego es de roboces y de Microsoft Game Studio, nO?.
Usa Xbox Live?.
Hay fotos y tal por ahi?
7 respuestas