No lo ponen mal, pero tampoco bien que digamos:
6.5 Presentation
The overall style is pretty solid, but the weak interface and low res video is sub par. Working with track lists is annoying as well. Where’s “Free Skate” mode?
7.0 Graphics
It isn’t horrendous, but Downhill Jam leaves a lot to be desired. 480p and 16:9 was a great choice, but we need crisper visuals and a stronger graphics engine this generation.
7.5 Sound
The sound effect work is a bit basic, but the track list is solid. 40 licensed tracks is a good grip of tunes.
7.5 Gameplay
The controls work, but they need some fine-tuning. Sensitivity customization and the addition of manuals and reverts would help in the future. It seems a bit too basic as is.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
Depending on your intentions, Hawk could be a solid choice. Single player is decent, but multiplayer is where it’s at. 18 slots for saved ghost runs is a cool addition as well.
(out of 10 / not an average)
A mi no es un juego que me llame la atención y menos al saber que las notas de IGN no son particularmente exigentes.