8.0 Presentation
Slick Super Smash Bros. Melee-like interface complete with lots of record-keeping options. Solid FMVs introduce Kirby, too.
7.0 Graphics
Clean, polished look with a smooth framerate, but it doesn't go the extra mile. Low geometry, no advanced effects.
7.0 Sound
Orchestrated music and some of its catchy. Sound effects are on the average.
5.0 Gameplay
Simplistic, but clumsy control. Only one button is put to use when the setup would benefit from more. Racing is fast, but powersliding and weapon usage is malfunctioned.
5.0 Lasting Appeal
Lots of four-player split-screen and LAN-enabled multiplayer options. But it still comes back to sloppy play mechanics.
(out of 10 / not an average)
Average Reader Score
POSSSSSSS ign le puntua con un aprobao pelao y los jugadores con un notable hecho derecho....que pensar????
Yo lo voy a pillar seguro por el tunneling, en japon ha sido el sleeper hit del año pa gc pero esta puntuacion y la del billy hatcher.....los de ign cube eranexigentes pero no se les estara yendo la pinza????