Trauma Center
Now that the Wii launch is truly underway, is Trauma Center worth another dose? Yeah, it is. Putting aside the fact that Second Opinion is a retelling of the DS version, the game is absolutely perfect as an introductory game for Wii players. There’s a ton of diversity in the missions, an all-new Hard mode for previous fans of the series, and an entirely new sixth chapter of the game to appease the “been there, done that” attitude of the hardcore crowd. Trauma Center has a charming style, decent graphical and audio presentation, but really excels in the control department. The franchise has been given a rebirth on Wii, and it has never been better. Everything from interface navigation to tool switching and actual surgical actions is made easier with the Wii-mote/nunchuk combination, and that alone makes it worth your launch dollars. Under the Knife showed players what DS was all about, and now we’re seeing Second Opinion doing the same thing as it ushers Nintendo fans into a new era of innovation and control.
Wii Sports
Wii Sports is a successful showpiece for Nintendo's new hardware and a fantastic means to get non-gamers talking about Wii. Not all of the games are spectacular. Given the choice, I'd prefer not to play either boxing or golf, which is disappointing because both sports seem like a fine fit for the remote. But the games that do work really work. Baseball is good in short bursts. Tennis is a lot of fun, especially with two or more. And bowling is fantastic – I can't wait for Nintendo to use these mechanics and release the inevitable (and much deeper) Mario Bowling.
What you're going to find in Wii Sports is a title that demonstrates the potential of the Wii remote, but comes up short in depth and visuals. Play it for an hour with friends and you'll love it. Your non-gamer friends will be dazzled by the immediately intuitive controls and the imported Miis. But the title sacrifices incredible depth and visuals for an immediately accessible experience.
7.0 Presentation
A solid compilation of sports games, great use of Mii characters, and slick interfaces that make navigating with the Wii remote easy.
4.0 Graphics
We realize it's a style choice, but the visuals powering Wii Sports are both generic and so simple that they're archaic. The Mii characters add color. It runs in 16:9 and pro-scan at 60 frames.
7.0 Sound
Charming background music and good sound effects drive home the crashing strikes in bowling and the smashing home runs in baseball.
8.0 Gameplay
Fun. Best as a multiplayer affair and in short bursts. Bowling is amazing. Baseball and tennis are good. And the others need work. All the modes lack depth.
7.0 Lasting Appeal
Despite being a shallow affair, the simple controls work well with the games and nurture return multiplayer bouts.
(out of 10 / not an average)