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PS2NFO escribió:DRE…
Before we start talking about GC's DRE we must come back a little bit
into the PS2's burning coil issue.
PS2 has Disc Reading Errors but you don't get an explicit message on
the screen. All what you need to do is to adjust the laser's
potentiometer, to clean the lens or to adjust horizontal alignment of
the mechanics. It can't be corrected with software patch or any other
miracle software manipulation. If the laser is poor then reading is
Disc Reading Errors on PS2 look as choppy sound and video but you
don't get a message on the screen. PS2 tries to read, read and read
and finally it increases voltages supplied to the laser diode and
coils until it burns. Here is the problem!
Especially PSTwo behaves not properly. It tries to read even when it
doesn't see the disc's surface, it tries to focus the lens at any
cost causing well known metallic sound and then smelt of burnt
GC has some kind of protection against PS2 syndrome built in. When GC
can't read then it rejects media immediately not causing lens
oscillations and finally not making you feel the very known smelt
If somebody is planning to disable this protection mechanism he will
contribute to your new headache … burnt GC laser
Please note that both power circuits which are driving coils, sled
and spindle are very small, without heat sinks. If you let them to
read unreadable media you will dissipate some unwanted watts and you
will burn the device.
If you Google a little bit you will find plenty of official forums.
If you read them carefully you will learn that many brand new GC
machines have reading problems of new and not scratched DVD's. Many
people are fooled by forums belonging to the so called "scene". GC
laser simply doesn't like DVDR media. If somebody says that the tenth
update will cure DREs he is not telling the truth. He can only make
you sick of returned machines with characteristic smelt. Prepare
yourself for mass BA/LA/RS or whatever replacements
The Ripper Team will monitor the situation very carefully and will
issue the flash update for the Ripper///GC when it is necessary and
if it is necessary. Until now our chip is bug free. Try it as many
others did it already.
We don't want to tell you too much but we know something for certain.
We can give you one advice. Please read our specification carefully
and one sentence particularly: "Extremely good timings and logic
levels on the high speed GC bus". Try to use the scope and compare
The Ripper///GC with others, and finally try to finish that sentenceWe love to give such puzzles to our students
We strongly forewarn you against experimenting with untested anti DRE
solutions on your customers. Remember, you sell pre modified machines
to the end users. They will flash their chips without reflection,
blindly believing that new solution will cure something. What will
happen if they start returning dead and burnt lasers? Please don't
play with laser protection
The Ripper///GC is not easy reprogrammable but it obligates us to
make a good product from the beginning. Both The Ripper///GC and The
Ripper3.1 can be reprogrammed by external flash programmer with help
of small PCI-DIL adapter. Updates are dangerous in general. Also
original products can be cloned by analyzing differences in software
updates so we prefer to make bug free product from the beginning.
If we recall the history of software updates of some well known chips
we can say that updates has finished as fast as they appeared! Some
of them were giving you updates almost every week, repairing endless
bugs and creating others. How do you resellers can live with it? What
do you say to your customers, end users? Do you say them that you
sell not working product which will be updated in the unknown future
or what?
Some other discoveries…
1. The Propeller blade effect
Before you burn particular DVDR please inspect the disc visually. GC
drive is sensitive on "propeller blade effect" of DVD media. Before
you burn it please put blank DVDR into opened GC and look
horizontally if your particular blank disc rotates smoothly. Look at
the outer edge of the disc if there is up and down movement or not.
You can make a simple test. Find the blank DVDR with the huge
propeller effect and burn 2 discs with the same image. You will
notice that smoothly rotating DVD works but the second one doesn't
even start. Some new original games from the shop are distorted from
the beginning and not modified consoles can't read them properly.
2. The heat
You can make another test. Disconnect the cooling fan from your GC.
You will notice that after some minutes you will get one big DRE. We
assume that laser unit is overheated causing poor Signal to Noise
ratio. You have the oven just below the laser.
If the cooling is not adequate then it can cause DVD to distort
(propeller blade effect). It explains why DVDs, even silver
originals, stop being read properly after some time of using it. So
we come back to the focus coil failures on PS2 when the lens must
move up and down to balance the propeller blade effect. By disabling
protection mechanism you will probably kill the laser coils and the
coil driver and you will need another summ0ne plus some tons of
replacement parts
Try to use DVD+R because in our opinion they work better. Use
Verbatim or TDK only and test them for distortion. Remove DVD just
after you stop playing.
GC drive has some reading problems in general. It has too slow
processor for tracking the distortion of DVD media but it has
excellent protection mechanism against laser failure
All rumors regarding the possibility of correcting DRE in software
are only rumors and we call it La Guerre des Puces
Gamusino escribió:A mi me parece que es una forma de decir de que no tienen ni idea de como arreglar los DRE. Hay cosas que dicen que tiene logica pero otros no. Dice que la ps2 cuando encuentra un error y lo reintenta con un nivel mas alto de voltaje, la cube no, da error y se para. ¿Porque con los originales no pasa eso? Yo he metido originales con mas dedos que la base de datos del CSI y a lo mejor cargaba mal las texturas o se quedaba colgado pero no daba ese tipo de error. Ademas segun cuentan no hay subida de voltaje en la cube, lo que pasa es que ni reintenta leerlo (eso podria solucionar los errores aleatorios).
Pa mi que estan oliendo que a lo mejor el cobra bios nuevo podra solucionar muchos errores y ya estan diciendo que o es mentira o que jodera la lente (muy bueno lo de mencionar la ps2 para meter miedo) y que su chip no hara nunca eso.
A lo mejor dicen la verdad. El tiempo lo dira
Gamusino escribió:Bueno, me ha dado por hacer una prueba, he cogido un juego original y lo he puesto con la bios original mirando pa donde iba la lente. En ese juego (el GOD que traia el zelda edicion especial) cuando carga el ocarina lee justo al final del GOD. Pos le he puesto un bueno tocho de rotulador permanente (espero que se quite bien) para que directamente no pueda leerlo y no sea un simple error de lectura y lo he vuelto a probar. La lente cuando llega el permanente hace VARIOS reintentos de lectura, sobre unos 5 (se nota porque se meve un poco el lector y se nota que intenta enfocar la lente) cuando ve que no puede vuelve al codigo de barras y empieza desde el principio, unos 5 reintentos y es cuando ha dado un error de lectura tipico de los DRE.
Asi que me parece que es mucho cuento lo que dicen los del ripper.
Noruas-han escribió:Yo tengo una teoria....
El swap lo q hace es lee el codigo de barras de un original, para la lente y mete backup, listo.
Ahora estamos jugando, y por el motivo q sea, encuentra un error, con lo q se va al codigo de barras, verifica y vuelve a reintentar otra vez. Lo q pasa es q al irse al codigo de barras, como no lo reconoce, para el juego.... Si no necesitase Swap, volveria ha hacer un reintento otra vez, y no daria tanto fallo de elctura....
Los q tocan potenciometro, lo q hacen es q la lente no tenga tantos errores de lectura y no suela ir al codigo de barras a verificar....
Yo creo q si no necesitase swap, habria muchsiimos menos DRE's....
Si esto fuese asi, la lente tendria que desplazarse cada 2x3, leer el codigo, ir de nuevo a la posicion del error, si vuelve a fallar vover al codigo....
MANDAXXXX escribió:Siento que los mejores resultados han sido con Anaconda y Gcos o me equivoco?????
Si los DRE son debidos al lector, La panasonic no dería de llegar a dar ni uno ya que me imagino que su lente es de supercalidad... eso se verá de aki a un rato..........
PIC escribió:Las GC antiguas tenian una lente de mas calidad lo que les permite leer en otros soportes y si esto es asi, no hay BIOS que lo solucione.
tmbinc escribió:Lol, they share their view of DREs
If i might share *my* view on the whole story:
First of all, the ripper, like the viper and all other bios replacements, connect to the exi bus. The exi bus, as widely known, is clocked with Busclk/6/(1<http://www.segatech.com/gamecube/overview/index.html.
It looked like the ripper team never actually used a scope to measure the timing )
The ripper doesn't seem to have additional connections. This is a totally different situation from the PS2, where it seems that the lowlevel(!) disc controller is interfaced and overriden. Sorry for not knowing exact details, i was never interested in PS2 (and i don't even have one).
When the ripper team talks about their superb logic levels etc. (which are really not that good on viper, but seems to be enough for stable booting - or do viper users have any blackscreen problems when turning on(!) their GC?!), they say - well, between the lines - that non-perfect logic levels result in danger for the drive (like on PS2, where inproper logic levels were able to crash the lowlevel dvd controller).
This is totally bullshit! On Gamecube, the way one gets control over the dvdrom is totally different, and doesn't involve overriding any signals (but using a software backdoor). Soeven if these logic levels are not ok, the only thing which would happen would be a blackscreen on boot, but never in any damaged hardware.
Next, hacking the the drive doesn't - yet - involve hacking the lowlevel controller (only the highlevel controller). Yes, messing around with the drive's firmware could send illegal commands to the lowlevel controller, but this controller shouldn't crash, and so it should take care about leaving proper power levels to the coils etc.
Next, DREs depend on the media, yes. But all people know that the most annoying DREs are not caused on static positions. Maybe an integrated retry or something would be the only required thing... Not any different focus/tracking power levels...
I don't know for sure (and there are other people who are more interested in these stuff), but i just want say: Be careful and don't believe all the stuff "rival" modchip groups tell you - in this case it really seems to be some FUD, nothing more.
Oh, and please don't quote me on that. Yes, this means YOU, ps2ownz/nfo/whatever. You may link to here, though
TrexerT escribió:Eso de que la bios es la causante de los parones es mentira![]()
Vereis tengo un juego original llamado Pokemon Coliseun...
Dicho juego un dia se callo al suelo y no lo vi..... resulta que lo pisé y me cai de espaldas, el juego se quedo con unos rallones de aki te espero (bien profundos).
El caso es que pongo el juego y no me ha dado ni un solo paron ni sonidos raros ni cargas defectuosas.
Yo creo en la teoria de que la Cube lee las barras entre carga y carga... Nintendo es la compañia que mas encontra de la pirateria esta y se que es capaz de hacer eso y mas en una consola como leer el anticopi aleatoriamente (yo lo haria)