Risen anunciado para Xbox 360 (Action RPG)

(y PC)


Risen Arises: Epic Role Playing Experience on Xbox 360® in 2009

Deep Silver and Piranha Bytes Reveal New Action Role Playing Epic

Hermosa Beach, Calif.— Deep Silver Inc., a publisher of interactive entertainment software and a wholly-owned subsidiary of Koch Media, and Piranha Bytes today officially announced Risen for the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft and Windows PC. The game, which is targeted at a mature audience, is expected to ship in 2009.

The epic role playing game is set in a medieval world on a volcanic Mediterranean island, The Risen story unfolds over four chapters and will offer multiple ways to develop the story by his own actions and decisions. An innovative and intuitive user control interface will support both casual and hardcore gamers. With full world streaming support, the player experiences no tedious loading of areas while playing in a fully simulated game world with authentic characters.

"Piranha Bytes has a track record of making incredible, in-depth games set in huge, detailed worlds, and Risen will be a great experience," said Cathy Tische, vice president of sales and marketing for Deep Silver. "The game already exhibits the quality and creativity that has made Piranha Bytes such a respected developer."

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'Piranha Bytes' son los desarrolladores de la Saga Gothic
No sé por que, pero los gráficos me recuerdan excesivamente al shadow of the colossuss.
Las texturas del suelo son pésimas, espero no caerme nunca de boca y ver algo así de cerca.

Por lo demás, tiene buena pinta, me gustan los juegos ambientados en parajes tal que así.
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