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tiku escribió:Y, entre muchas escenas, está la del EoE en tu mente al escribir este post, ¿no, Bruno? xD
Krain escribió: Con decir que el juego que más me ha gustado en los últimos 3 años de JPRG ha sido la reedición del Chrono Trigger.... Veremos que tal el souls y el FFXIII.
tiku escribió:Krain escribió: Con decir que el juego que más me ha gustado en los últimos 3 años de JPRG ha sido la reedición del Chrono Trigger.... Veremos que tal el souls y el FFXIII.
Pues entonces estás opinando habiéndote dejado muchos en el tintero, porque mira que tienes joyas por ahí como Persona 3/4 xD
I don't know what all the fuss is about with this game.
I'm about 10 hours in, played a couple hours online, and I'm Level 13, Guild Rank 2, and have my Georama up to Level 2.
My impressions so far:
-Doesn't take itself too seriously, which makes it acceptable.
-Easy to learn, but at first very overwhelming as far as learning skills and setting up for combat.
-TONS of options to set up custom combo attacks, etc.
-It's real-time combat, yet it's almost turn based since you can't just constantly attack until your attack meter is full. You will find yourself slashing an enemy, then just standing there waiting to refill and attack again while you take hits and can't defend. My only complaint about the combat... If you wish to defend, you basically sacrifice a chance to strike. (i.e. it uses your attack meter to defend, so you can't quick put up your shield, block a hit, then go in for an attack. You either attack, or you defend)
-So far I have not died in the single player yet. I came close a few times, but I have felt pretty strong so far. Reviews saying the game is easy is not a huge stretch. I wouldn't say it's a breeze, but I haven't struggled yet. Put it that way...regardless, I'm still having fun.
-Considering this game essentially is a 2008 game, I'm very happy with it. The vibrant colors and the trees and plants that wave in the wind are very nice looking. Certainly nothing incredible, but definitely not crappy.
-Slight screen tearing.
-Framerate holds up pretty well usually, unless there are a ton of big enemies on screen (noticable drops, but nothing severe so far).
-Voice acting is fine, but cheesy mostly due to the script.
-Music is nice, sure not as memorable as some tunes in other games, but I really enjoy all of the music so far.
-Menu noises are great. I love the little clicks and "bings" that happen when you select things.
-No JPN audio.
-So many similarities to Monster Hunter games. You go to a Guild Hall to accept a quest, and then you can play with others. You have a time limit, and the quests so far have been either monster slaying quests or item gathering quests. Both very fun types to play.
-No story based co-op though, however I was not expecting nor really wanting that. I wanted a Monster Hunter style game.
-The Geonet system (the online user interface) allows you to do so much. It's really cool and easy to use. You can blog about your progress in the game. Post threads in a message board to ask other users online questions. Add your friends and track their progress and join them in quests. Send E-mails. Very cool and well done.
-The Georama system to create your own town is pretty involved. I haven't had the funds or supplies to get too far with it yet, and I can see it seems to be pretty demanding in some aspects early on, but as money comes easier it will go more smoothly. I really like the idea and it works well.
-The quests seem lengthy (spent 50 min in the first quest that was unlocked). They are also a good challenge and seem to follow allong with Monster Hunter style objectives. Monster slaying and item fetching so far. However I recently unlocked a puzzle solving quest too.
Overall, at this stage, I'd say the game is a solid 8.0/10. As I said I'm only about 10 hours in, but it's enough to get a solid grasp of the game at this point.
The flaws I pointed out are nothing that hold it back from being FUN. Which is what games are about. Whatever the reviewers were out looking for is something I don't understand...but I'm damn glad I got this game. (credit to LiquidMetal14 for convincing me hehe)
I give the strategy guide a thumbs up too. I like being able to see the requirements for various skills so I know how to allocate my skill points. I'm using it for the walkthrough as well, and as others have pointed out, there's a few errors, but nothing that has made me stuck yet. So far so good.
Bruno Muñoz B escribió:Me quedo con los jrpg's sobretodo debido a la etapa dorada de Super Nintendo y PSX pero la verdad es que cada vez les voy cogiendo más tirrira, empieza a costarme mucho el tolerar a los niñatos de mierda como protagonistas y a las obsesiones pedófilas de estos japoneses por no hablar del rollo emo. Parece que estemos en los 70, que cosas más chuscas y chabacanas se ven últimamente.
triki1 escribió:Eso ni se pregunta, japones.
tito_daniR7 escribió:yo me quedo con los japan RPG los occidentales como oblivion fallout 3 y compañia me parecen un aberración para m igusto personal a excepción de mass effect 1 y 2 ,ayer me compre el star ocean y lo estoy gozando como nunca, tenia ya muxo mono de JRPG![]()