Currently Uses: 64MB from
R RAM, and 32MB from GDDR3 RAM and 7th SPU
2.0: 32MB from
R RAM, 0 from GDDR3 RAM, 7th SPU can be used (no longer reserved)
In-Game XMB
Firmware 2.0 will have in-game XMB.
Not all of the icons will be available on the XMB during a game.
Under 'Friends' there will be 'Block List', 'Add a Freind', 'Players Met', 'Message Box', and all of your friends. Your friends' avatars will not show in-game in order to conserve memory.
Under 'Network' there will be 'Download Management'.
Under 'Game' there will be the disk icon with the title under it. Seelecting this will prompt you for quitting the game.
The 'Video' column will not appear.
Under 'Music' there will be all of your sound files. You can play any of them and they will continue to play after you exit the in-game XMB. You will not be able to delete any of your songs in-game.
The 'Photo' column will not appear.
Under 'Setteings' there will be:
-'Game Settings' wich will include 'PS/PS2 Upscaler' settings and 'PS/PS2 Smoothing' settings.
-'System Settings' wich will include a new subsetting called 'Turn Off the System'.
-'Date and Time Settings' wich will include all the normal features.
-'Accessory Settings' wich will include all the normal features.
-'Display Settings' wich will include everything except 'Video Output Settings'.
-'Sound Settings' will unclude everything except 'Audio Output Settings'.
The 'Users' column will not appear.