A través del IRC de los Anonymous, un usuario le ha preguntado a Graf_Chokolo varias cosas entre ellas sobre si mañana sacaria el CFW 3.60 le ha comentado que además lo sacaria con dual boot pudiendo instalar linux, comenta que durante la semana tendremos novedades.
[22:54] <opsony434> Hey man, you are the real Graf? i have only one question, the CFW 3.60 is coming tomorrow?
[22:54] <Graf_chokolo_> yes i release tommorow a new cfw : 3.60 with linx dual boot - 3.55 with linux dual boot - 3.41 with linux dual boot
[22:55] <opsony434> oh, this is great! i love you work hehehe, tomorrow what hour release?
[22:55] <Graf_chokolo_> yes tommorow or in the week, wait

[22:56] <opsony434> thank you man!
[23:00] <opsony434> the CFW 3.60 its hard to work?
[23:01] <Graf_chokolo_> yes really, when mathieulh not give me the root key of the 3.60 cfw, then i cant do anithing
[23:01] <Graf_chokolo_> big thanks go to mathieulh