Hola buenas no encontrado nada sobre esto por aqui.

I like the title, it’s spark up the post, you know with the recent drama that has been happening between KaKaRoTo and Hermes. Yes, they are at it again. I thought they come up with some collaboration. Well, it seems that KaKaRoTo is furious with Hermes who does not want to release his source code as well as other things. Here’s what he said in his twitter page:

I don’t tell him to not exist, I just tell him to work like a real programmer, not like a script-kiddie. And work collaboratively..
I’m done fighting with hermes, he’s just too stubborn and doesn’t want to help the community. What can you do when people are stupid? sigh..
I got pissed when he said he’ll release his “hermes PSL1GHT” in .rar format, and started flaming…
we weren’t fighting before.. he wasn’t stupid until this morning.. now that I know he is, I’m done :p
I’ll try to avoid drama in the future. I haven’t insulted him, just said he doesn’t want to help the community

Some words in French in which has been translated by Google:

lol, bien dit :p Faut voir le bordel que j’ai cause sur EOL, j’y suis pas alle doucement non plus, il m’enerve ce con!
lol, well said: p Should I see a mess due to EOL, I’m not gone smoothly either, he gets on my nerves this idiot!

And here’s KaKaRoTo mentioning about the next version of Hermes payload, Hermes v5 which is still in works:

drama seeking show ? don’t know.. but he talks about a hermes v5 in the works and whatever stuff he did with psl1ght…

What i learned from this?

* Hermes returns to the scene, or never leave in the first place.
* Hermes does not want his work to be open source?
* Hermes’s next payload, Hermes v5 is under development.
* They had a heated discussion in Elotrolado Forum.
* According to KaKaRoTo’s tweet, Hermes actually said “forget it, I work alone and don’t give a fuck about anyone else”.

LA FUENTE ES DUKIO y el enlace

No se muy bien cual es la mejora que tiene el Pl3 frente al actual Hermes V4b, Ya he visto el blog de kakaroto y dice que el v4b es perjudicial pero tampoco dice mucho mas, lo que yo se es que hay juegos que solo funcionan con el Hermes v4b.

¿La pregunta es cual es el mejor payload o mas bien que aporta el pl3 que no tenga la hermes v4b?

UN SALUDO y espero que guste el hilo
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