[RUMOR] ¿Juegos de PS2 y Dreamcast en la PSN?

Backwards compatibility could be returning to the PlayStation 3, according to what appears to be an internal document leaked by Sega of America, one that hints at downloadable previous gen games available on a case-by-case basis.

That document, uncovered by French gaming web site Objectif-Sega, notes that "SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN," which may indicate a strategy similar to the one Sony has taken with original PlayStation games, released as "PSone Classics." The document appears to be a list of notes from a meeting between Sega of America and Robert Dyer, senior vice president of publisher relations for Sony Computer Entertainment America, dated from early August.

The notes mention two titles, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City and an unspecified Sonic the Hedgehog game—there are seven Sonic-starring games for the PS2—as examples of candidates for release.

If the document is legitimate and the notes are accurate, the plan to offer downloadable PlayStation 2 games makes a good deal of sense. Sony just recently announced the God of War collection, which bundles the first two games in the series on a Blu-ray disc for the PS3, with a handful of enhancements. The ability to offer individual games certainly makes a greater deal of business sense, considering the PlayStation 2's 1800 game strong library would offer ample opportunity for profit on digital downloads.

The same document also makes mention of what appear to be downloadable Dreamcast titles for the PlayStation Network. Those titles don't appear to be exclusive to the PlayStation 3, however, as the rumored meeting notes read "If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they're interested in having exclusively."

Resumiendo un poco: un informe "filtrado" de Sega of America hace alusión a lo que todos esperábamos tarde o temprano después del abandono definitivo de la emulación "hardware" de juegos de PS2 en PS3, la descarga de juegos PS2 vía PSN.

Lo interesante es que en el mismo documento aparecen títulos de Dreamcast, lo cual alegrará a más de un usuario... :)


Fuente ==> http://kotaku.com/5364828/ps2-dreamcast ... leaked-doc
Acabo de postear lo mismo, pero un minuto tarde XD .

Pego mi post :

Aún se pueden descargar del ftp de Sega los puntos tratados en la reunión :

Entre ellos hablan del lanzamiento del control de movimientos y la posible emulación de PS2 ( a través de la previa ddescarga del juego vía PSN ).

ftp://segapr.segaamerica.com/SEGA_News/ ... s%20BH.doc


SCEA Meeting Aug 5th Notes

Objectives of Meeting
 Dyer agreed to regular quarterly meetings with SOA

Sony PS3
 SCEA reiterated plans to sell 13 million PS3s this year
 Big announcement back half of year they can’t talk about (potentially price cut of PS3 to reach hardware goals)
 SCEA commented on indexing between PS3 and 360 SKUs, should be around 2:1 to garner most favorable treatment.

Motion Controller
 Spring 2010 launch (March in JP)
 No bundle/pricing details yet, should come Sept 1
 Plan on selling 4-5MM units WW
 SCEA agreed to provide a list of Sega IP that would work well with the motion controller, Virtua Tennis was an example
 Motion Controller support allows easy way to differentiate PS3 SKU
 Other differentiation opportunities include PSP/PS3 interoperability – think of features that would make users want to buy both PS3 and PSP SKUs.

Alpha Protocol
 Michael Foster, product evaluator, said AP felt barely RPG. Initial level too challenging for players. “Mass Effect felt more RPG.”
 Review notes sent to John Merlino a few weeks prior. After meeting Gerald mentioned AP is a high priority for his team.

Planet 51
 Sell in of PS3 SKU – SCEA noted that other movie titles on PS3 had underperformed as well (inc. Transformers) this cycle.
 Dyer suggests contacting Susan at Walmart and asking what she wants in the pack to sell this SKU (movie tix etc)
 Other possibilities are Hybrid movie disc (BD 25 or 50 with Game and Movie on same disc).

 Collectors edition with Bayonetta Action Figure
 Novo recommended launching PSN demo around Xmas based off a Jan 5th Ship date with 2-3 week run out to launch.
 3-4 weeks is usually ideal demo timing with fresh content every week leading up to launch (trailers, insider video about PG heritage, video blogs).

Vancouver 2010
 HOME, Olympic destination would garner a lot of positive attention from SCEA
 Should be doing same with Bayonetta, Marvel etc. Easy to launch in all territories.
 HOME merchandizing opportunities (clothes etc).

Sonic Racing
 Open to DLC to differentiate PS3 SKU – not ratchet and clank but other characters
o maybe characters from Rare or Fable universes

 Could put Japanese games directly on PSN for download in a special Japanese Import section (pricing $9.99 to $39.99 for full game).
 Might need to localize menus at least with subtitles.
 SCEA interested in helping on MKTG side if they can have period of exclusivity.

 Another great HOME candidate
 AVP avatars
 Hybrid BD disc with movie

Iron Man 2
 Great candidate for HOME space – explore Tony Stark’s lab etc.
 Should have one for Marvel in general.

 Could do bundle at GameStop with PSP 30-35K units on UMD, Go, or both.

Valkyria 1937
 Could bundle with PSP as well.

Vanquish and Aliens: CM
 Opportunity for PS3/PSP interoperability (see Eidos Batman, Army of Two, Assassin’s Creed for good examples).
 If we offer that SCEA would be really interested in having us at their booth next E3.

SCEA would like a look at the code soon.

Sonic Anniversary
 Could put out collectors edition with all old sonic games on one BD disc.
 “Best of Sonic” for around $99.
 SCEA would love PSN exclusive power ups/different game modes (like Castlevania’s flip it over/backwards)

PS2 emulator for PS3 (confidential)
 SCEA wants to sell all PS2 titles on PSN (GTA Vice City/Sonic/etc)
 For co Marketing money show PS3 controller on TV ads – similar to EA Madden Spots, NCAA, etc…

London Olympics
 Perfect opportunity for Motion Controller integration.

DC Digital Titles
 If we provide a list of DC titles SCEA will let us know which ones they’re interested in having exclusively.
 If we give them a long period of exclusivity they’ll give us more marketing support.

PSP Titles
 For SKU differentiation it’s best to offer features that are slightly different from PS3 version.
 Titles that are coming up on PSP are Assassin’s Creed II, GTA China Wars, Resident Evil, Little Big Planet – all massive franchises.
 SCEA has a specific PSP deck which they can send up with their hardware director for a chat.


SCEA Meeting Aug 5th Notes BH.doc (51.5 KB)

Subo el archivo por si lo quitan
¿y para XBOX 360 no?

Un saludo

BY DERHYUS.[chulito]
halo2 está baneado por "utilizar clon para saltase baneo"
Emulacion limitada solo a juegos comprados en el PSN?

Vamos que tienes que volver a comprar los juegos. [toctoc]
¿ alguien pensaba que la emulacion de ps2 no iban a salir para la ps3 por alguna parte?

lo bueno sera ver lo que ocupa la iso en internet, y compararla con el tamaño de la descarga de la psn.
HDMI está baneado por "Troll"

SEGA y Sony se encuentran en negociaciones para resucitar gran parte del catálogo de la defenestrada Dreamcast en PlayStation 3. Los juegos serían lanzados a través del servicio PlayStation Network, y serían exclusivos de la consola de Sony, al menos de manera temporal. Según el acuerdo, Sony tendría preferencia a la hora de seleccionar los títulos que sería lanzados a través de su servicio, mientras que los desechados podrían acabar saliendo en Xbox 360, o incluso en Wii.

También se ha filtrado la fecha de lanzamiento del sensor de movimientos de Sony: este llegaría en Primavera (un dato ya conocido), pero en Japón lo haría concretamente en marzo.
El 1 de septiembre lanzarían un bundle con este nuevo sensor.

Según las estimaciones que barajan, planean vender entre 4 y 5 millones de unidades en todo el mundo.

Además Sony convino con Sega entregar una lista de las IPs de ésta última que podrían ser adaptadas a este nuevo sensor.

halo2 escribió:Emulacion limitada solo a juegos comprados en el PSN?

Vamos que tienes que volver a comprar los juegos. [toctoc]

pues si.... money money money money $$$$ asi nos cuida sony!!

Un saludo

BY DERHYUS.[chulito]
DERHYUS escribió:¡¡¡SEGA REACCIONA!!! ¡A Sony ni AGUA! ¡¡¡ES TU ENEMIGO!!!

Un saludo

BY DERHYUS.[chulito]

hay un refrán que dice ten cerca a tus amigos, pero aún más cerca a tus enemigos ;)

Si me enemigo hace que yo levante la empresa y tú como usuario final puedes ver los títulos que ya no disfrutamos (shenmue, tu herizo favorito etc) que vengan y me resuciten ;)
Es buena y mala idea, sobre todo por el tema que no me gusta que engañen a la gente haciendonos creer que tenemos un juego y ne verdad no. Si fuese Steam vale porque son de sobra conocidos y todos sabemos que totalmente serios; y aún así puedes comprar el cd/dvd donde sea.
MoJoStYk escribió:Es buena y mala idea, sobre todo por el tema que no me gusta que engañen a la gente haciendonos creer que tenemos un juego y ne verdad no. Si fuese Steam vale porque son de sobra conocidos y todos sabemos que totalmente serios; y aún así puedes comprar el cd/dvd donde sea.

¿Que tienes un juego y en verdad no? ¿Perdón? ¬_¬
10 respuestas