Mas rumores sobre la fecha de lanzamiento de Wii, q hacia pocos dias q no teniamos alguno mas
Doy por hecho q si dice el rumor UK (United Kingdom) sera para toda europa
*RUMOR* Wii launch in late Oct in Japan, early Nov for US/UK?
June 26th, 2006
A French gaming website has dropped some info on the Wii launch, and they are claiming that this info comes from someone very close to Nintendo. The author of the article even says that they obtained the info themself, thus trying to push this story further from rumor, and more towards fact.
This person that is closely related to Nintendo (and remains nameless) let some info slip on just when to expect the Wii. It is looking like sometime around October 30th will be the Japanese launch, with a US and UK launch spaced out over 10 day’s time. The mystery person also claims that having the Wii ship around this time has nothing to do with the launch of the PS3, it is purely coincidental. Be that truth or not, it definitely won’t hurt Nintendo to get a 1-2 week jump on the PS3.
We were already expecting a late October/early November release for the Wii based on what we have heard so far, and this story brings a little more clout to the ongoing rumor. Big thanks to Zigomatik for the heads up.
Me gustan esas fechas de lanzamiento, ojala fuera asi, seria lo mas justo, no seria lanzamiento mundial, pero con pocos dias de diferencia
Aver si tenemos suerte y en la feria de agosto, nintendo suelta precio y fecha, q ya me estan volviendo loco