Unas declaraciones del director de marketing de Hudson son el detonante de este rumor:
"Well, the VC was specifically designed to bring back classic games, not to introduce new content. So to answer your question specifically: No.
"However, in the future, you should rephrase that question to: Are there any plans to launch original content on some downloadable service on the Wii, and you might get a different answer."
http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=156286?cid=OTC-RSS&attr=CVG-General-RSSPara hacerlo más creíble, entre las predicciones que publica IGN para Wii en este año 2007:
Massive Developer Outreach; Launch of Original VC Games
March 2007 is home to the Game Developers Conference and, we believe, one of the most important third party outreach programs in Nintendo history. The event will kick off with a monumental keynote from Shigeru Miyamoto himself and from there we expect Nintendo to pull back the curtain on a brand new Wii Channel in promotion of completely original Virtual Console games. These will, of course, exist in addition to the classic already available for download on the Wii Shopping Channel. Post GDC, we think Nintendo will aggressively encourage and work with third parties to secure original VC content for Wii.
En definitiva y para resumir... se habla de un posible nuevo canal, "Canal Juegos" o algo similar, en el que podremos descargar juegos al estilo consola virtual, pero se trataría de títulos originales (nuevos). Supongo que algo parecido a como ocurre en Xbox360, sino me equivoco.
Esto, canal demos, reducción de precio en la VC y 60Hz, Metroid y Mario Galaxy, anuncio de un nuevo Mario Kart y un nuevo Starfox, actualización de firmware para una Wii region free... ¿un 2007 perfecto?