More Rumours: October 15th release date? New Games
According to a ‘Blockbuster employee’ in Canada (from IGN Insider) a list of titles has shown up on the companies system that relate to the Wii with release dates and some titles with a pricetag of $49.99 ($39.99 USD?). However it should be noted that everyone should take this with a grain of salt.
Blazing Angels - Nov 16/06
Call of Duty 3 - Nov 06/06
Elebits - Oct 15/2006
Far Cry - Nov 16/06
GT - Oct 26/06
Marvel Ultimate Alliance - Nov 06/06
Monster Trucks - Nov 16/06
Prince of Persia - Nov 16/06
Rayman 4 - Nov 16/06
Red Steel - Oct 26/06
Sonic - Feb 01/2007
Super Monkey Ball - Nov 07/06
Elebits is a launch title and is dated October 15th and does fall on a Sunday, a day that traditionally Nintendo has launched a few of it’s past systems and handhelds. The list is questionable, GT is a game we have nver heard of but could be real, while Far Cry is a title that would be surprising to see. Blazing Angels is a game that was recently seen on both Xbox and Xbox 360. Their hasn’t been a Prince of Persia title announced yet for any platform but that would be another surprise.
A destacar:
- Lo ha dicho un "suspuesto empleado de un blockbuster" de Canada en IGN Insider, no quita q no sea asi, pero puede ser solo un rumor
- El precio de los juegos en Canada seria de 49.99$, el valor de los Dolares Canadienses es menor q el de los americanos, por lo q el precio de los juegos podria ser en USA 39.99$
- Uno de los juegos q aparecen es Elebits a fecha del 15 de Octubre, este juego sera un juego de lanzamiento junto a Wii, porq lo q podria salir ese dia la consola
Considerarlo como otro rumor mas, ya veo tantos rumores q hasta q no vea una lista de lanzamiento filtrada o algo q me diga q es seguro ya no me fio