salio el parche de oblivion que arreglaba los graficos?

he estado buscando en el hilo, pero no se si viene comentado y la verdad es que leerse 13 hilos cerrados con 50 paginas cada uno me parece excesivo....

en fin, se dijo que se estaba trabajando en un parche que arreglaba un monton de bugs y ponia los graficos a la altura de lo visto en PS3 (arreglar las distancias de dibujado con las texturas y esas cosas). ha salido ya? para actualizar tengo que llevar la consola a casa de mis padres, y la verdad es que me gustaria jugar al juego ya, que lo tengo comprado desde que salio (me lo pille con la consola) , apenas he jugado un par de horas y estoy reservandolo para cuando salga el parche.

a ver si me podeis responder.

Es verdad se sabe algo del parche?
El otro día me actualizó, pero no noto mejoras. Pero vamos, que sufro de actualizaciones aleatorias cada 2 por 3.
Tengo entendi que eso se incluye en el ultimo que salio... no se llega a ver igual que el de ps3 porque a veces sucedera que se te generan rocas y arbustos en las narices, la distancia a mejorado sobre todo en construcciones grandes, practicamente todo se ve, luego cuando te acercas se terminan de dibujar los detalles.
Aqui esta la lista de lo dos ultimos parches del oblivion.

La "mejora grafica" por ahora viene en el parche 1.2.

Pero claro, teniendo en cuenta, la cagada de bug que han metido con la ultima expansion , es de suponer que tendran que sacar en breve otro parche.

5. Update 1.1 Notes (PC and Xbox 360)

Bug Fixes

Fixed an issue with falling through collision in Fort Wooden Hand.

Fixed issue with remapping controls in French, German, Italian and Spanish versions.

Fixed issue with some shadows not lining up.

Going to jail while equipped with bound armor or weapons no longer crashes the game.

Fixed issue with bound weapons not dispelling properly after dismounting a horse.

Fixed issue with player shadow being delayed after fast travel.

Fixed infinite gold issue on some dead NPCs.

Fixed issue with disease resistences that made it impossible to contract vampirism under certain circumstances.

Fixed an issue where occasionally skills would not increase properly after you received an increase in a way other than skill uses like as a quest reward.

Fixed issue where spells, powers and lesser powers were being improperly resisted when the player cast them on themselves.

Fixed an issue where creatures and NPCs would not go into combat properly after being hit by a projectile.

Fixed an issue with duplicating items and unequiping the bow.

Fixed an exploit that allowed you to sell equipped items to a vendor more than once while on a horse.

Fixed an issue with items reappearing in dead bodies after saving and reloading.

Fixed crash when NPC with active light spell on them unloaded from memory.

New Very Low Quality graphic setting available under Launcher options with improved support for low end FX cards (5700 and lower). To use this setting, go to the Launcher, select Options and click Reset to Defaults to allow the auto detect to check your system.

Implemented SLI-mode optimizations on Nvidia cards, and Crossfire optimizations for ATI cards.

Fixed a crash issue where loading a save would crash if the player had extra data on them.

Fixed an issue for LOD art for city was not unloading quickly enough when exiting an interior.

Fixed an issue where Aylied doors would not open when activated in Miscarcand.

Quest Fixes

If you are permanently expelled from Mages Guild, you can now go back into the Mages Guild buildings.

In The Siren's Deception, the door to Gweden farmhouse is prevented from locking too soon if player exits too quickly.

In the Light the Dragonfires quest, player controls are prevented from being locked if player accidentally hits Ocato during the final battle in the Imperial Palace.

In the Confront the King quest, fixed an issue where Mannimarco would occasionally stop fighting the player while the player's controls are locked.

In Corruption and Conscience, fixed an issue if player got to Llevana's house earlier than expected and she would initiate trespass behavior rather than move the quest forward.

In Theranis' Mistake, it is no longer possible to get multiple copies of Ahdarji's ring. Also, fixed an issue with player receiving Blood Price topic too early in the quest.

In the Leyawiin Recommendation quest, it is no longer possible to bypass Kalthar in Fort Blueblood.

In Revenge Served Cold, Corrick will now recognize when player had the jade amulet in their inventory if No Stone Unturned quest had been previously completed.

In Infiltration, player can no longer kill Blackwood Company members and stop progress in Fighter's Guild.

In Dark Brotherhood, if you kill fellow members and get kicked out of the guild, you can no longer continue to progress in the questline until you redeem yourself and get back in.

In The Master's Son, the player now properly receives their reward when completing the quest.

In Caught in the Hunt, fixed an issue where NPCs would not go into combat properly.

In the Cheydinhal Recommendation quest, fixed an issue where Vidkun's body would disappear if you left the well.

Getting disqualified from the first Arena match no longer blocks you from further matches.

In Till Death Do They Part, the Count no longer rewards player with gold more than once. Fixed an issue with not receiving the Vampire Ashes topic if the player picked up vampire ashes before getting the quest. Fixed issue where Bloodgrass topic was not added if player finished the Main Quest before starting quest. Hal-Liurz will now follow player properly when asked about the cure.

In Mystery and Harlun's Watch, the dead body you are supposed to find will no longer disappear from Swampy Cave if you cleared out the dungeon before starting the quest.

In Blood of the Daedra, Martin will now recognize Spellbreaker as a Daedric artifact.

In When the Vow Breaks, additional instance of Rockshatter are now prevented from appearing on Bjalfi's dead corpse after saving and reloading.

In Paranoia, game no longer crashes when Bernadette Peneles exits the city while you are following her.

For Clavicus Vile quest, fixed crash with giving or refusing to give Umbra to Clavicus Vile.

Plugin Fixes

Fixed issue with saving your game while an actor is in a new interior cell created in a plugin, and re-loading the save game without the plugin.

Fixed issue with loading previous saves with plugin that contains new base objects that are containers, NPCs and creatures.

Fixed issue with linked pathpoints scripted to switch on/off that are modified by a plugin.

NPC's companions no longer disappear when they fast travel with player to an exterior cell that is modified by a plugin.

New scripted spell effects created in a plugin now work properly.

6. Update 1.2 Notes

New Features

10 new Xbox 360 Achievements for Shivering Isles

Bug Fixes

Improved LOD visual quality for landscape.

Optimizations to file loading system.

Taking items from dead owned creatures is no longer a crime.

Fixed issue where lock/unlocked states on doors would occasionally be stored incorrectly in a save game.

NPCs no longer pop into view after player cancels out from the Wait menu.

Fixed memory leak with sitting in a chair multiple times.

The reflection from the environment map in windows now displays properly.

Fixed an issue where player is still in combat even though the creature is no longer present.

Player can no longer fast travel when paralyzed.

Fixed infinite dialogue loop when arrested by guards who have high disposition to you.

Fixed issue where guards would not properly report crime if they were pickpocketed.

Summoned creatures properly fade away when they are created from a leveled list.

Fixed issue where stolen items would lose their stolen status if the player character was female.

Fixed crash that would occur with NPCs loading in with arrows.

Pickup sound effects no longer play during the loading screen.

If you attack a creature owned by you, crime is no longer reported.

Fixed issue with LOD not loading in properly when entering/exiting worldspaces.

Fixed infinite soul gems exploit by dropping and picking up stacked soul gems.

Fixed a crash with summoning a creature and immediately exiting the cell.

Fixed a crash with stealing an object, exiting and immediately
re-entering an interior.

Fixed issue where an NPC would occasionally not perform the proper idle animation.

Fixed an occasional crash when a creature loses detection on the player.

Fixed an occasional crash with NPCs who were not loaded going into combat.

Quest Fixes

In Light the Dragonfires, fixed issue where improper journal would appear if you closed an Oblivion gate.

In Till Death do They Part, fixed an issue where Melisande would not properly give you Cure Vampirism potion.
¿Osea que para el parche 1.2 te tienes que comprar la expansion? Si es asi menudos cabr***s :o
Ole ole y ole, si señor, vamos que a un extremo esta Epic y al otro Bethesda, como diria Jorge Javier Vazquez "Que fuerte, que fuerte, que fuerte" me parce que te cobren (pq al fin y al cabo es cobrarte)por un parche que viene a mejorar en algo un juego en el que te gastaste 70 euritos.
Perdon, no me he explicado bien.

El parche 1.2 tambien se os habra descargado aunque no tengais el S.I

Siento el malentendido.
nafai escribió:Perdon, no me he explicado bien.

El parche 1.2 tambien se os habra descargado aunque no tengais el S.I

Siento el malentendido.

Debe ser entonces el update de el otro día que tuve, pero no he notado ninguan mejora apreciable. Dicho sea de paso, que el juego me sigue embobando con sus paisajes.
Yo tp encontre una diferencia excesiva. Como ya han dicho, lo unico q se nota un poco, es la distancia de dibujado, y sobre todo de las estructuras grandes.
y el bug ese afecta al juego o a la expansion?
the_gooseman escribió:y el bug ese afecta al juego o a la expansion?

Afecta al juego si te has descargado la expansion, aunke no hayas jugado la parte de la expasion, da igual, en el momento que la descargas, ya te afectara el bug.

Si no la has descargado, no pasa nada.
Yo lo que he notado es que los tiempo de carga en las zonas exteriores han disminuido considerablemente.

nafai escribió:
Afecta al juego si te has descargado la expansion, aunke no hayas jugado la parte de la expasion, da igual, en el momento que la descargas, ya te afectara el bug.

Si no la has descargado, no pasa nada.
Eso era en la version de PC . Creo que ya lo han arreglado
Arwen escribió:Eso era en la version de PC . Creo que ya lo han arreglado

No. Es en las dos versiones.

En PC han sacado un parche beta, ni siquiera uno definitivo, y en 360 todavia nada, en sus foros ya han dicho q estan en ello.
Disculpa, entendí mal
nafai escribió:

No. Es en las dos versiones.

En PC han sacado un parche beta, ni siquiera uno definitivo, y en 360 todavia nada, en sus foros ya han dicho q estan en ello.

Según tengo entendido, es sólo en la versión PC, en ya expusieron esa noticia :

Un saludo! ;)
Dantares escribió:
Según tengo entendido, es sólo en la versión PC, en ya expusieron esa noticia :

Un saludo! ;)
Eso lo vi yo
Han mejorado varias cosas con la 1.2 pero la misión del engaño de la sirena sigue jodiendote el juego si no tienes una partida guardada antes, y yo sigo teniendo un anillo que no puedo desequiparme.
Además, desde que actualicé elm juego se me ha quedado 2 veces pillado haciendo el fast travel.
En este hilo se hablo sobre el tema del bug del S.I. echadle u ojo a los enlaces, ya vereis como el bug esta en las dos versiones, y todavia sin arreglar
Pues nada, seguiré un tiempo más sin jugar al juego por temor de que mi partida sufra las consecuencias :(

Gracias por la info Nafai, no estaba seguro de que a la versión de XB360 le afectara el bug, ya que hace unos días un conocido me pasó una nota de prensa de Bethesda con fecha del día 11 o 12 de Abril (no recuerdo bien la fecha exacta) en la que se comentaba que en XB360 no había problemas derivados de la descarga de la expansión, aunque como se puede ver es anterior a la fecha del hilo al que haces referencia.

Pues nada, a ver si esta gente no nos hace esperar mucho más... aunque bueno, casi prefiero que lo saquen con calma y lo arreglen bien, en lugar de sacar una actualización con prisas que pudiera provocar otros bugs.


EDITO: Os pongo un vídeo que han colgado en el foro de Bethesda en el que se explica el famoso bug (no contiene spoilers):
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